Thursday, November 7, 2019

Beautiful Sunrise ~ Fire Powder ~ Thyme

Yesterday's start of the sunrise.  Too beautiful to not take a few photos.  I was taking Romeo out, who was fired up with energy from the frost on the ground.  He wasn't sure what to do about it, ha ha!

First thing I had to do in the morning?  More dishes.  I literally made a mess of them, but after taking down all the laundry off the line, we were all pooped the night prior.  

Our 20 year-old came out for a visit.  I fed her leftover homemade enchiladas, spanish rice and hot taco dip (which she loved).

I finally got the hot peppers ground into fire powder.  I didn't have time the other day with all the other work.  I'm just glad I got my glady bulbs out of the ground, but the potatoes remain.  They may be there all winter depending on our weather. 

Some Christmas presents arrived.  I will thank my husband for buying these for me for an early Christmas present (he he).  Thank you Amazon.😊

Buttermilk waffles and sausage patties are breakfast goodies this week.  Haven't made them in a while.

Homemade Taco Dry Mix was restocked.  Love this stuff.

I sure hope the chimney sweep arrives Saturday, it'll be down to 25°F Friday night and we can't burn 24 hours prior to them coming.  They say we may hit single digits (sigh) next week too.  I'm glad I remember to buy a few new ice scrapers for the vehicles.

( I love my small batch dehydrator.  I filled it to the top)
My indoor thyme plant is doing so well, I snipped some and got it into the dehydrator.  I wish I had some oregano seeds to start an indoor plant for that too.  Both did terrible in the herb garden this year, but happy to stock up on thyme.

Face it.  We all have a cupboard where stuff falls out.  Or you did. 


After (aside from the bowls on the rack on the left of it).  We can now find the lids, ha ha!  I also re-homed the serving trays.  We only use them for get togethers.  Fixed that problem with a set of organizers, under $15.00.  I also re-organized a drawer next to this one.

Update on the hot pepper jelly - Hubby's co-workers raved about it.  It's a keeper recipe and I cannot wait to plant next spring, so the weather Gods better be nice next year.


  1. Those sunrise photos are majestic! It simply amazes me of the work that God does to show himself. I love the organizer for the lids and sheet pans. I try to never let my cabinets get to the point of items falling out, but there are times that my cookware cabinet gets that way.

  2. Glorious sunrise Rays and all. GOD's gift to us early risers. Yes, I have cupboards where things fall out, annoying. I have a stash behind the stove to clean up that has fallen back there. All those little annoying plastic containers I save, and the lids...Lovely gift those crochet hooks, you will like them I think. I do mine. Nice size for the hands, and if you need the light there it is. Crochet on girl!

  3. Thanks Carol, the sky was so beautiful. It would help me if two others in this house put dishes away right, lol! They complain, but they are the problem too. We'll see how long it takes for them to even notice it ha ha!

  4. Faith, I can't wait to try those crochet hooks out. They look pretty nice too.

  5. Pink sky at dawning is sailor's warning as they used to say. It is reflecting clouds to the west which usually means rain or precipitation of some kind.
    Let me know how you like those light up crochet hooks! They look awesome!

  6. Beautiful sunrise photos. I'm so glad you've been busy and getting back on track, you've done a lot.

  7. I love watching the sunrise, those photos are so nice. Here though, it starts quick and ends even quicker! I have to be up at just the right time to catch the beauty of it! The waffles look yummy!

  8. Why is it that the junky cabinet always has plastic containers? Mine too. It looks so nice when you organize it, only to have daily wear and tear to make it messy again at the end of the week.

  9. Thanks Sam I Am, I'll be sure to update on the hooks

  10. Rain, I just happened to take Romeo out at the right time to see that sky. It was gone pretty fast.

  11. J.L. Murphey, I sure hope the cabinet stays organized.

  12. Kristina, The only way it will stay organized if you put away the containers yourself.


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