Sunday, September 8, 2019

This and That

Thank you everyone for your prayers, good thoughts and well wishes overall.  We are all so shocked and deeply saddened over the passing of our grandson.  They have no diagnosis, and his family awaits an autopsy.  They awoke to him not breathing.

On a more pleasant note, when I changed my bandage this morning, I noticed the wound (at my ankle) getting smaller, which is a sign of healing (but still nasty looking).

Hubby plans to go load up the car our daughter totaled, tow it here, and scrap it for parts.  He then plans to sell what's left for a derby car.  The engine, tires and other new parts will be sold.  That's the plan. Daughter will then use that money to help pay for a new one eventually.  We hope the car is derivable, so they can get it up on the trailer today.  It's costing us $17 a day for every day it is still there at the tow yard.

I am trying to figure out a crock pot dinner, that can be tossed together and then just heated up tomorrow.  Hm.

Oh, if you have a favorite Kimchi recipe, a traditional one, I'd love to try it. Kimchi is one I have yet to make.  It's on my to-do list when I'm up on my feet again.

Oh, and another good note.  After driving to the ER, my ankle and foot swelled up.  I stayed off of it all day and night yesterday, and the swelling has gone.  

Okay, I'm off here and back to my foot up.  I am surrounded by library books, and lots of handiwork today.  I've even been reading about pets and herbs.  King had a seizure recently (our 20 year-old's dog),and we don't know why, so I'm reading up on that and sharing with her.  He can take medication, but the medication will do more harm to him than another seizure.  He's never had one before either.  We are hoping he doesn't have one again, and it may have been caused by something poison related (he had gotten out of their apt. one day, just a few days prior to the seizure happening).

I just know one thing - can't wait to be back on my feet.  I'm doing so much handiwork, my hands are so dry.  I'm completely out of calendula lotion, almost out of my face lotion, and my homemade deodorant is completely gone.  Ugh.  I need to get back in the kitchen and get back to just about everything.  


  1. Catching up again... I am so, so sorry for your loss.

  2. I did a post on my "Minnesota Kimchi" a while back and although it's not the traditional kimchi which I believe is made with only cabbage and zingy spices, it's one I've used and we've been very happy with. If you want to look at it, go way down on my right hand side bar until you reach the Search box. Type in "kimchi" and that post will pop up for you.

    Hope things around your little homestead take a turn for the better soon.

  3. Thanks Debby. Mama Pea, thanks. I'll check your blog for the recipe. We got the car home but boy it's a mess. They had to load it on our borrowed trailer with a fork lift. We hope to sell the parts and help our daughter get another vehicle soon.

  4. Wow...I missed all of that Kristina! That's so tragic about the death of your grandchild. My gosh. And you daughter totaling the car, I hope she was okay. I'm happy to hear your doing better though!


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