Monday, September 9, 2019

Happy Homemaker Monday

I'm up early.  Can't sleep.  Besides the coffee pot is closer to me at the computer than where I've been hanging out this morning.

I need to feel "normal" so why not try and post a quick join up today, and try and feel that way.

Just maybe. . . we'll get some good news this week too.  It's been one helluva weekend.  Within 24 hours (over this past weekend) our 20 year old was in a car accident and totaled her car, and our 4 month old grandson passed away (in case you missed my posts).  

Hubby has the day off today to help take care of funeral arrangements, and help our 20 year-old look at a possible car to purchase.  He needs to get a receipt for the tow bill for her totaled car too, so we can submit it to insurance.

I just need to help figure out what we'll eat tonight for dinner.  My Mom said she'd bring us a meal, but said she doesn't eat as healthy as we do. Hmpf.  I guess I'll take a quick look in the freezer and figure something out.

I'm joining Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom.  Sorry for the photo.  I saved the new one, but couldn't figure out where the heck I saved it.  I hope to figure that out later when I can spend more time on here.

The weather outside . . .
High of 77°F, sunny.  We are to heat up again this week and get some rain.

On my reading pile . . .

On my TV . . .
We rented the movie "Hustle" and I am watching a ton of cooking shows since the doctor said stay off my foot.

On the menu this week . . . 
Ha ha ha!  There is only one - Hubby the take out king.  Quite possibly I can sit in the kitchen and give him instructions on something in the crock pot.   I was thankful to get a grill out dinner last night.

On my to-do list . . . 
(More like Hubby and Daughter's list)
Remind them to do these at least ~
-feed and water chickens
-fetch mail
-sweep floors (that's pushing it)
-for me, check on greens in fridge and see if they are still good (totally forgot about them)
-appt at my surgeon
-have someone check on my grow pots
-get someone to cut me some plantain to dehydrate (this one will be a tough one to convince them)

What I am creating . . .
A lot of stuff.  When I'm up to taking photos, I'll be back to share.

Looking around the house .  . 
E-ghads!  It's a total mess.  Shambles.  I know it's temporary, but those two seriously need to get at least the dishes washed.  Urgh....I need my job as care taker of this place.  
Bedding needs washed, linens, the list is endless.  It's literally an endless list.  I have a list just for things that need made and restocked (lotions, vinegar infusions, etc etc).

From the camera . . . 
The sky this morning.  The beautiful sunrises are moving south now.

On my prayer list . . . 
For myself and my leg issue (I am praying for a good visit to the surgeon, and quick healing of my open wound I still have), for our daughter and her family with the passing of our grandson, for our 20 year old who is recovering from her car accident (see recent posts) and personal requests


  1. I am so sorry to read of your recent sadnesses. I really can't imagine how you're feeling right now. Enormous hugs and prayers to you <3

  2. I am sooo sorry for your loss :( (hugs) to you and your family.
    Glad your 20 year-old is ok though. What a weekend you had. Hope next week will be better. xx

  3. I am so sorry for your loss of your grandson. Can't imagine the pain your family must be feeling. Glad your 20 year-old daughter was okay in her car wreck. Hope that your leg continues to heal and you are back on your feet soon. Prayers for peace and comfort for all of you.

  4. So sorry to hear of the loss of your grandson. And a car wreck too... what a week! Love the sunrise pic! Keeping you in my prayers.

  5. How sorrowful that a young child has been taken from the family. Sending prayers for the whole family. Sorry for your daughter going through an accident. God's blessings for you on you healing journey and for your entire family during this difficult time.

  6. Thank you everyone. Your prayers and good thoughts are very much appreciated right now. It's sort of feeling like a bad dream and we are just trying to get through the week day by day.

  7. I'm so sorry, Kristina, sending prayers to you and your family at this difficult time and for healing as well.

  8. My friend, my heart still aches for you, you've certainly been handed a tough hand lately. Prayers for you all.

    Hope you heal soon and are able to get back to normal.

    Have a blessed week!

  9. Am sorry for your loss and am praying peace and healing over all. (((HUG)))


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