Saturday, September 7, 2019

It's only Saturday and...

I got a call about 11am-ish Friday morning, and when I couldn't understand our 20 year-old, I calmly asked if there was a policeman there.  She put him on the phone.

An hour later I was with her in the ER at the hospital.  I drove despite pain in my ankle, because she had no one else to be with her and get her home.

Her car was totaled, but she came out with bruises and a small cut. Thank God she had nothing broken.  Thankfully, I calmed her down, got her to even laugh, and got some knitting done while we waited for x-rays and other tests.

I got her home, then myself home, and foot was back up.

We got a call this morning at 6:30am.  Our daughter (my step-daughter) was at another hospital with our youngest grandson.  

He had passed away. I feel like I'm in a bad dream.  Our hearts ache right now. I have yet to tell our youngest, who is very very close to our young grandson.

Hubby is on his way to that hospital (doctors are looking for the cause of his death), as my foot cannot handle the walking and I do not have a walker, wheel chair or even cane right now.

The family could really use some prayers.  


  1. I am so sorry for your loss. I will pray for your family. Sandy

  2. Prayers of comfort for all at this sad time. May God heal your pain.

  3. I am so sorry, there is nothing else to say.

  4. Sending my sincerest sympathies to you and your family. What a terrible tragedy.

  5. I'm so sorry for the loss of your grandson. I will light candles in his honor and say prayers for him and your family at this bad time.

  6. Oh no Kristina I am so sorry for your loss.

  7. I am so very sorry. Prayer ongoing.

  8. Oh, my goodness. I hate to hear what's been hitting your family today. Prayers and blessings for the whole family as you go through this difficult situation.

  9. Oh Kristina, my heart aches for you :( I am so incredibly sorry for your loss. Praying for you all through this difficult time. *hugs*

  10. Horrible tragedy :( (hugs to you and your family)

  11. How heartbreaking... my deepest sympathies.
    So sorry about your daughter's accident, but how good that she was able to walk away with just minor injuries.
    Hopefully you get to feel better soon from your ankle, and that everyone experiencing challenging times in your family may be able to find some peace of mind and inner calm. -Philippians 4:7.

  12. My sympathy on your families loss. Prayers up.

  13. Oh Lord, I am so sorry, and am sending mighty prayers of comfort to heaven for you all.
    God bless you.


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