Friday, September 6, 2019

The Little Things

I had to come to the kitchen to get myself a cup of coffee (I need Hubby to put it in a large thermos tomorrow), so I thought why not share this....

Breakfast and dinner have been depressing for me, but dinner the most.  Hubby has been a dear and bringing me my breakfast in bed.

The latest breakfast was a scramble, but with only eggs and smoked sausage.

Dinner time, I am used to eating with the family and having conversation.  Not lately.  I'm in another room by myself, with foot up, eating alone, and no conversation.  I told the family I feel like I'm being punished (they laughed).

Last night my youngest came in and said, "Mom I gotta tell you something."

She proceeded to tell me she "needs her Momma back" and that she misses me all around, including me being here to clean out the fridge, and put potatoes and greens in her breakfast scramble. 

I busted out laughing at the mention of the missing ingredients in the scramble.  I too, secretly missed them but didn't say anything (was blessed to have more than toast and not have to make it).

We laughed together as she told me she missed her "morning power greens and potatoes."

I'm not sure Hubby will make another one after she let that out of the bag, but we did get a laugh.  I too miss being physically able to do what I want and need to do. 

Okay, off the computer and back to sitting idle.  Just had to share, ha ha!


  1. Everyone will get a new perspective from this, don't you think? And when you return to full duty, life will be all the sweeter. You've been pulling double duty when your husband was working o/t. Rest, move your hook and heal up. They've got your back
    regular scrambled and all. :)

  2. Yep, I see a whole new appreciation coming on of what you do on a daily basis for your hubby and daughter! And that's as it should be.

    Remember seeing those charts of what would have to be paid to a homemaker to do all the varied jobs she performs each and every day? If she got paid? Cook, maid, shopper, laundress, bill payer, etc., etc. And that's not even counting the emotional support your family knows is there 24/7. Pretty hard to fill your shoes!


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