Thursday, September 5, 2019

Next Step

Just a quick update - got the appt with the surgeon finally scheduled next week.  I won't know what the plan is until I see him.  I am pretty certain some sort of surgery will be happening.

Meanwhile, I'll continue to be the "Queen of Crochet" and Hubby the "King of Take Out."  He's too tired to cook when he gets home, and daughter has her dog, dishes and homework.  However, our 20 year-old came out yesterday afternoon to take care of Romeo for me.  I was so grateful for that.  Putting pressure on my right leg is downright painful.

However, Hubby has brought me breakfast in bed the last few mornings, prior to him leaving for work.  Love him for that!

I was considering sneaking out (more like hobbling out) to the edge of the larger garden to see if there are sprouts of Russian kale, but decided not to do that.  Although a nice crock pot home cooked soup would be nourishing and delicious.  I mean I already have cooked sausage in the freezer, and I can put my leg up to cut up some potatoes, and I think I have onion soup in the freezer or even broth somewhere..........


  1. Are we all gonna have to come tie you down?! I know it's extremely hard, but it will do you more good to make yourself stay put at least until you see the doctor next week. I've often said if I ever were to break a bone (or some such), knock on wood I never do . . . may it be in my lower half rather than upper half so at least I could sit and do handwork! Now you need to take advantage of your down time and knit, crochet, sew, craft as much as you can. Otherwise, I WILL form a posse and we will come tie you up! Got it??

  2. I am sure you're very tempted to get up and get to the garden! A slow cooked meal sounds really nice actually! Hooray for hubby bringing you breakfast in bed!

  3. Good deal that you have your appointment. Do you walk with a walker? You should get one for when you come home from the hospital. It would help.I remember when I had my knees replaced, I couldn't walk far or stand to cook for long periods of time. I used the breakfast bar stool to sit and cook. Sometimes I didn't feel like cooking through the pain so David would have to bring home fast takeout food. He didn't know how to cook at all. Take care and don't overdo or get hurt.

  4. Do not overdo it! What would you say to yourself if you were your best friend? Take it easy, heal. Chores will wait. Wishing you well and thanks for the update!

  5. Thanks everyone. I thought of borrowing a walker, but we have steps in the hallway to the kitchen. Hubby is buying me a cane today though. Trust me, I am doing a TON of handiwork, and sometimes a bit of reading. I hope to have photos to share of all that I get made, lol! The back of my ankle is starting to itch, so to me this is a sign of healing of the wound. I am praying for a good outcome and plan next week. I am getting tired of watching the news (ugh). I may sneak to the computer when I have to take Romeo out, and order myself some movies from the library.


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