Monday, September 30, 2019

Happy Homemaker Monday

We had a wonderful weekend.  We spent two days with our daughter's family and grand-kids.  Oh my gosh we had loads of fun, and saw her laugh, made the kids giggle and what not.  It did a world of good for them all.  

We also gave her the necklace we put together, along with this bracelet.

From left to right, "Just Breathe" a cross, "Guardian Angel" angel wing, his birthstone, and the first letter of his name.  She loved them both.

Also, after two months of not riding, I finally got my biker boots on (right foot wasn't easy to get on, and very tight) and went on a ride.  We also visited Hubby's sister in the nursing home.  Felt great to ride too.

Other sort of good news....Hubby is trying to get in touch with our 21 year-old, to see if she'll bring Jesse here for a visit with me.  Oh happy day if it happens.  I'll be sure to post too.

Today I'm joining Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom

On the breakfast plate . . .
Have no idea yet.  Hubby is still in bed at the time of posting this.  He doesn't go to work until tonight.

The weather outside is . . .
It's pouring down rain this morning, but they say a high of 90° in some areas later today.  Crazy weather, but so glad for the rain.  I hope it plumps up both types of peppers out in the garden.  It's the last hoorah for the garden as far as weather goes.  Then I start yanking.

On my reading pile . . . 
Still reading the same book.

On my TV . . .
Whatever we find good on Amazon, otherwise I have movies on order at the library.

On the menu . . .
-Southwestern black bean burritos
-pasta/pesto, veggie
-four beans and sausage
-meatball cabbage rolls

On the to-do list . . .
Dehydrate sage
Grocery store trip
Visit Hubby's sister and take her some pretty flowers 
Start cleaning up and tidying up one bedroom
(shortest to-do list you'll ever see, ha ha!)
Turn air conditioning back on (should be the last day for it)

What I am creating . . .
Current project is to finish a set of pot holders that someone ordered from me.

Looking around the house . . .
It's not too shabby, but some rooms need major tidy control.

From the camera . . .
I have nothing on the camera (other than lots of pictures of the grand kids).  The last thing was the island trip.  Boy do we miss them both.  I think the island may be calling us just one more time if we can swing it.  Hubby is going to nights for a while.  We can't make any plans until we know how long.  Could be a few days, a week, two weeks, three weeks.....

On my prayer list . . .
Me (leg), our daughter and her family who lost their son, our family, my friend's mother who is in the hospital with pneumonia, and other personal requests.


  1. That is a sweet bracelet. Sorry for all you and your family have been through lately. Take care.

  2. Thank you Henny Penny, I think she loved the bracelet too.

  3. Beautiful bracelet, I hope it makes her smile every time she looks at it.

  4. Glad to hear things are a bit more upbeat.
    Continuing in prayer for your daughter who lost her little boy. Never seems right for a mother (or father) to have to bury their child, especially one so very young.
    Praying for you too, though it sounds like you're on the mend, in the regular course of mending that is.
    Prayers we all have a GREAT week, and a SAFE one too.
    God bless.

  5. Glad you're getting the rain, but so glad we're done with those temperatures here! Adorable bracelet - I love those charms. Keeping you and your family in my prayers. I hope you have a GREAT week.

  6. That bracelet is beautiful! Happy you had a great time with family!! Have a great week!

  7. Glad you were able to go on a ride. What a nice bracelet. Continued prayers for your family. Hope you have a wonderful week!

  8. Glad you got to enjoy family and grand-kids, and that you got to ride :)
    Have a great week

  9. Thank you RB, Threesidesofcrazy, Jodi, Jean and Luludou

  10. What a beautiful bracelet! Continued prayers over your precious family and blessing for a great rest of the week and a lovely October! 💗 (((HUG))) 💗

  11. So sorry to hear about your grandson and I am praying for your family. I must have missed it if you posted about it. I'm glad you had a good and healing time with them. Some things you never get over. Blessings to you all.


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