Saturday, September 28, 2019

Random Tidbits

There is so much on our plate lately, it's making our heads spin.  I don't know why, but they are taking forever to get things done for his sister in the hospital.

Meanwhile, our daughter "T" who lost her son, is having a horrible time getting through each moment of every day.  We will be making a visit soon.  I'm thinking all take them some baked mac n' cheese.  I made a pan of it for our niece and her family (the ones with the new baby) and we got word back that they all loved it, and one little one who hates cheese ate three helpings of it.  It's definitely a crowd pleaser.

I'm still tapping my fingers, waiting on the doctor's office to call me.  I can't wait to get my leg taken care of and get back to a regular visit to the garden.  I have to start yanking stuff before the snow flies.  

I didn't get a lick of anything done Friday.  Youngest had no school, so we spent the first part of the day shopping for a homecoming dress and shoes, which we found.  The later part of the day we spent shopping for a car for our 20 year-old.  We found one, cross your fingers she can get a loan for it.  We test drove it and it has air conditioning (no more open windows for that gal, lol!).  I was so tired last night.

We are getting rain, so I'm not picking peppers today.  Maybe tomorrow.  Maybe even dig into the potato patch and see whats lurking there.

Please say a prayer for my husband. He had a stress headache last night, and I told him to please take care of himself as I need him too.  He is stretching himself mentally.  It's horrible to get a call from your daughter, crying so hard he can't understand her, after she came across her babies clothes while doing laundry.  We are trying to be there for her for all her needs right now.


  1. To lose a child is something no parent should ever have to bear. It's hard to imagine the emotions your daughter is dealing with. I'm so sorry for the loss.

  2. I'm so sorry for your loss of a precious baby. I have myself buried two of my sons, so I know a small hint of what your hb's daughter is going through. It is tough, and it will be tough for the rest of her (and your) life. It will get easier, not now, not tomorrow, not maybe even next year. Some say after three years you are able to breath, occasionally.
    Has she got into any bereavement groups around where she lives? There are people who have lived through what she's going through right now, they understand, and they can help? No-one else can understand what she's feeling, but they can share what it was for them. Even if she can't meet them face to face, net meetings and groups are available.
    There is also support groups for grandparents, who have lost their grandchild/ren.

  3. Thank you Mama Pea, we did get over to visit and took a meal. It did so much good for her too. Took two of the girls as well.

  4. Thank you Ulvmor with that suggestion of a support group. It's been helpful to her that we visit much more often and take two of our girls to visit too.

  5. Oh I can't imagine the loss of a child. It would have to be one of the most heartbreaking things ever! I will keep her in my prayers. It sounds as though you each need prayers at the moment.


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