Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Tuesday Tidbits

Now that Hubby is on night shift we had Monday morning open to run errands, so we also visited his sister.  I got my watch battery changed and finally dropped off jewelry to get repaired too.  We finally picked up a two receipt on daughter's car so now I can submit that for a refund.

My new garlic has not arrived.  I'm getting concerned that it's getting late to fall plant now.  I hope it arrives soon.

We got up to a high of 87°F yesterday and boy it was hot!  Heat index was 94°F.

We made southwestern black bean burritos again. We love this stuff.  I didn't have the right tomatoes, and walking out to the pathetic tomato patch was out of the question.  I used organic canned fire roasted and it worked out great.  I also used home grown green bell pepper vs. red.  That's what we had.

It'll be hot again today.  Once again I have to adjust my routine with Hubby sleeping after his night shift.  I hope to get crochet time.  We have been so busy lately, I've been fighting to get crochet time.


  1. Hoping you find time to crochet! The black bean burritos look good but not sure it would agree with my stomach :(

  2. Luludou, thanks, I hope I get some time, as of now I have not lol!

  3. The burritos look good and make sure you squeeze in that crochet time! LOL!

  4. Thanks Sam I Am, I got some crochet time in last night.


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