Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Garden ~ Trips Canceled ~ Update

The tomatoes are a complete and total loss this year.  Not really surprised with our weather struggles this year.  We may get 10 to pick to eat and that is it from the 50-some plants.  Not sure about jalapenos and green peppers yet.  Tomato plants will be getting yanked when someone can volunteer for me.  We've gotten some rain here and there, so I'm hoping for the peppers, carrots and beets yet.  Thankfully, we are to get rain mid-week (one more thing I don't have to ask someone to do).

We've had to cancel another camping trip (last weekend, weather would have been absolutely perfect too).  We've also canceled attending a bike fest we were going to (motorcycle event next weekend).  These cancellations were no surprise to us.  

Most importantly, you all want to know the update at the consultation with the surgeon, right?  

I was pretty anxious to get a plan in place, but squeamish about which way we'd go. I mean, my regular doctor was hinting about skin graphs earlier...and it's been a worry wart on my brain since then.  I was however happy to get in so quickly, because I am also the Queen of Gauze.  The rolled gauze is expensive and I have been going through it like crazy.

Okay, okay....here's what the surgeon said.

As of right now, no surgery.  Woohoo!  Thanks to modern technology.  I have to get a vascular sonogram this week (before the funeral), then once they determine the veins that need attention, they'll do an in-office procedure and I should be back on my feet after that.  Thank you for all your prayers.

I'll be back when I can, and most likely have more handiwork "finished" projects to share.  Hmpf.  I do hate sitting like this.  It's driving me insane. Good gravy, I'm gonna lose my mind until this is all over with, and then I'm probably be complaining of not enough handiwork time, ha ha!

In the meantime, I've ordered my garlic for fall planting, already have the grow bags to plant them in, and have broccoli seeds ordered to grow as sprouts for better healthy intake.  I've also been really good at making list for things I need to clean, make and stock up on.


  1. Sounds like very good news from the doctor. Here's hoping this is the beginning of real recovery and getting you back on your feet . . . literally.

    Sprouting during the winter months for nutrition is an excellent way to go. Have you ever tried sunflower seed sprouts? They need to be planted in trays of soil, but come up as wonderful, crunchy, tasty sprouts just like you would see in the garden when you plant regular sunflowers. They're my favorite!

  2. Mama Pea, I have not tried sunflower seed sprouts. I will have to do that this winter. Thanks for that tip. Yeah, I am so ready to be back to my regular ol' self again. So is my family, ha ha!

  3. Great news from the Doc, and you must be very relieved. My garden has been hit and miss too - once again I planted onion sets and they stayed the same size! Whatever I am doing wrong, I am consistent!!

    You have had a bad gardening year too by the sounds of things but the weather is normally what determines a good or bad season. Hoping the things you are planting now do well once they are established.

    Just think - not too long and you will be able to get back to normal life.

  4. Great news from the doc! Sorry about your tomatoes, my neighbor's garden is FULL of tomatoes but they aren't red yet.

  5. That's great news about the procedure and NO surgery! That would scare me too much. I don't even want to discuss tomatoes this year lol...mine are still on the vine, all green and tiny...I"m still hoping for some red, though it's been near freezing each night.

  6. I’m sorry you’ve had a rough summer, and for your loss, you’re all in my thoughts and prayers

  7. My goodness you are having a rough time of it, you are in my prayers.

  8. So thankful that they are not talking surgery.


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