Tuesday, August 27, 2019

This and That ~ First Day of School

We enjoyed the weekend weather.  Gosh it was so nice out.  Sweatpants and sweatshirt weather.  Oh my.

The sunrise Monday morning had so much color to it.  Just beautiful!

We got more checked off the to-do list - installed another dead blot and two more new door knobs, replaced all the broken drawer brackets, cleaned up two kitchen drawers and reorganized, cleaned one upper cabinet and reorganized, cleaned up a ton of recycling in the garage and delivered it to recycling, got laundry done a day early since rain is due, Hubby fixed our car, installed a new window switch in one daughter's car, got one hour of mowing done and cleaned down all the cobwebs in the chicken coop.

Here is my new thermometer I was telling you about.  It's made by Thermoworks, and is called the ThermoPop.  It can check temps up to 572°F (not that I need that), but this will make grilling steaks so much easier than my non-instant read thermometer.  The ThermoPop was highly recommended by America's Test Kitchen, and it's not too pricey either.  I'm not an affiliate for this, just sharing in case you are needing one.

Speaking of cooking, here's some of this weeks menu:
-grilled fajitas

-crock pot sweet potato chili and possibly cornbread
-chicken/rice/broccoli casserole, beets
-meatloaf, mashed potatoes and corn

-Breakfast, blueberry whole wheat pancakes

Question:  For those who buy Gotu Kola from MRH, where do you buy it when they are out of stock?  I found some at Starwest Botonicals.  Any suggestions?

Also Arnica is sold out at MRH and Starwest Botonicals.  I would love to find some ASAP for making a tea to apply topically to my swelled up ankle (more on that later maybe).  Right now I have to use Epson salts and it's not working all that great.  I have tried to grow it here two years in a row, and both times it didn't like our weather.  If you now of a resource for Arnica I'd love to hear about it.

Finished two bracelets.  No picture.  They went into a shipping box immediately after finishing them.

Daughter picked up my books that were in at the library.  Not sure if it'll be cheaper to build our own bat house or just buy the kit.  I guess Hubby will determine that.

Debby Flowers, I was flipping through my Rosemary Gladstar books and there are tea recipes in them that contain rose hips.  One is the beginner's guide book and the other is the Herbal Recipes for Vibrant Health.  Maybe your library has them?

Our 17 year-old starts back to school today.  I'll lose my helper, but Romeo is starting to get into a routine now. I'm definitely getting him a playmate soon. 

We got some rain yesterday and will get more today.  I sure hope the jalapenos are all ripe at once.  I am down to the very last jar of cowboy candy, and jalapenos are anti-inflammatory and aid healthy blood flow.  We love this stuff too.

Sorry for the long ramblings.  I've been away from my blog for a few days.


  1. Sounds like a busy weekend. I have had many lately. I am looking forward to two weekends of camping and getting a breather from life.

  2. Carol, I'm looking forward to some more camping too. Yes, we've been pretty good lately at getting the to-do list checked off.

  3. Been nice and cool here too, but just in the mornings. We can tell the animals are enjoying it because they've become so active... too active in some cases, upsetting baskets and such. God love 'em. LOL
    Prayers everyone has a great week, and a safe one too.
    God bless.

  4. Romeo has a face I just want to give a zillion kisses to! :) First day of school ALREADY??? Oh my gosh...I guess summer is nearly over isn't it?

  5. Beautiful sunrise! Sounds like you've been productively busy, as usual!

  6. Rain, I am not ready for summer to end either. Romeo is so darn cute.

  7. Thanks Leigh, I couldn't believe the pink colors in the last photo. So beautiful!

  8. Lovely sunrise and Romeo is so cute! Glad you were able to get so much done. It's such a great feeling. Your menu sound good and made me hungry!

  9. HI Kristina - catching up on posts - sorry about your leg and sending good thoughts for a speedy recovery! Thanks for the tip on the herbal books, I will look for that. I haven't picked the rose hips yet, hopefully they will be fine still this weekend. I will freeze or dehydrate them.

    Take care and heal!


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