Sunday, August 25, 2019

Crock Pot Jalapeno Creamed Corn

Our jalapenos are starting to roll in.  I picked a few to make crock pot jalapeno creamed corn.  Here is how I make mine.

In a crock pot, heat 6 cups of thawed frozen corn (off the cob - see recipe here).  This corn works great since it already has butter in it.

Add 1/4 stick of organic butter, 8 oz. of organic cream cheese, about 1-1 1/2 cups of organic shredded cheddar cheese and jalapeno to taste.  I just depends on how hot you want it.  Let cook for at least 1 hour, but I have had it in the crock pot for up to 3 at times.  Just watch it and put it on warm if you need to.

It is wonderful to take to cook outs or family gatherings. 


  1. I don't care for jalapeno's but this sounds very good!

  2. Sounds wonderful!

    Kristina, do you ever do anything with rose hips? I have some - very big and rather tasty looking. I offered them to a jelly maker but they declined. I know they are full of vitamin C too. Thanks, Debby

  3. Debby, you could make tea with the rose hips. I can't think of anything else at the moment.


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