Thursday, August 29, 2019

Thursday's Thoughts

So, I went and did it again. 

I'll be taking a small hiatus (I typically post a blog post daily) from my blog, but hope to be back soon.  Meanwhile, I'll have my foot elevated. 

About a week and a half ago, I was inside the garage, putting it up, to put camping chairs and tables away.  Daughter's friend put the table against the outside of the door and it slammed down on my foot.  Apparently, if you have varicose veins, an injury (not always, but I'm the lucky one...sigh) can cause pressure in the veins and more injury.

Weeds will be growing and I just don't care.  I hope Hubby and Daughter will help pick from the garden, tend my ladies and gent, get the mail, etc.

I have no idea how to manage a breakfast for the both of them, nor dinner, so we'll see what happens.  I'll manage something.

My survival bag over the next six days.  Praying I don't need it much after that.  Possibly down the road for definite vein surgery. Meanwhile, I'm downing my elderberry tincture for the immune system, and placing an order for real vitamin C.  There will be a prescription picked up today, along with a topical cream, so probiotics are on the grocery list for Hubby to pick up.

Say a prayer, send up good mojo, and good thoughts.  Another decision by my doctor will be made next week after this long holiday weekend.  I'm just glad we didn't have plans, ha ha!  I guess Hubby will be busy, but I'll not be much help to him.


  1. What a poopy end to your rough, tough summer! You're so active each day that I know it will be hard for you to "stay put" with your foot elevated, but if you don't do it, your recovery period could be a lot longer. Gather those handwork supplies, your library books and whatever else you can think of and consider it a time to get lots done in those categories. If hubby and daughter don't/won't/can't help out with all else that's necessary, shame on them! It will be a graphic demonstration of all you do!!

  2. Take your time and know that life will go on around you. It is so hard when you are used to being up and active. I broke my ankle a year ago by falling down the stairs at my son's house and, although I appreciated the great care by him and his family (my 3 grandsons fought over who got to help me), it was so hard to have to stay down and inactive. It was my first time on crutches and the most frustrating thing was that I couldn't carry anything so had to depend on someone else anytime I moved from one place to another.

  3. Well, that sucks. I finally get walking around pretty good after my foot mishap and now you get hurt and have to take a hiatus. I just love reading what you have going on. Take care and I hope you don't have to have surgery.

  4. Hang tough!

    Try to relax and allow all who want to serve you in the fashion which you deserve. Imagine that has diligent you are caring for your clan that it will be returned in copious amounts.

  5. Oh my! Sending positive thoughts for a quick recovery. Take care

  6. Oh my, sending prayers for sure. I don't have varicose veins, but I am diabetic, so I have to watch foot injuries too. Just keep it elevated and relax. The weeds will wait, and if the hubby and daughter want to eat, they're going to have to figure out how to do it themselves I guess.
    In the meantime, I'm sure sending prayers.
    God bless.

  7. Thank you all for your prayers, good thoughts and good vibes. I hope to have an update sometime later this week.


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