Saturday, August 3, 2019

Sadly . . .

It's a sad week for us here.  It's just heartbreaking.  His "Mom" is coming to get him after he's been with us for 10 months now.   He's leaving us today.  Back in October she was kicked out of the apt. she was living in with two of the other kids (and her boyfriend).  At that time she texted me that if I didn't take him, she was taking him the "pound."  Of course I took him.  I'm the one who insisted we adopt him as a puppy.  First reason she should not get him back.  Second, he's been with us and us only for 10 months. 

After a plea to allow him to live out his life with us here on the homestead (he's 12 years old now), where he can have 24/7 care, she declined us, and not in a friendly way.

He's getting lots of treats this week, and lots of love from us.  She's coming to move out her belongings and moving her dog with her.  He will have to climb apt. stairs (which he cannot) and will be left alone for hours and hours while she goes to work.  It's just sad.  He won't get good exercise, and the attention he'll need.  His back legs shake now when he's out to do his business, which goes to show, he can't handle stairs.

He can't stand being left inside while I'm in the garden and will bark to be out with me.  Hubby is his best friend too. When Hubby gets home from work, he goes directly to him and wants to get love from him the entire night. 

We can't do a thing about it.  Well, we could hide him and call Judge Judy, but that's not happening.  Hubby has a feeling that after a short time, she'll get tired of caring for him, or want to be out partying and get tired of him.  We can only hope he'll be returned.  I have more kids rooting in our favor too.


  1. You must put your foot down and insist he stays. Let her get a new dog from the pound. This is so unkind to an elderly dog. He would be better put to sleep than put through such miserable trauma. Sorry to be so emphatic, but it’s not right. Ann T

  2. Ann, we are pretty sure he'll be returned. She won't have the time for him, or she'll get tired of taking care of him. We love him so much.

  3. That's my feeling, too, Kristina. That he will be returned to you in a very short time. Can you explain to your daughter that this kind of a move at his age and state of health will lead to a rapid decline for him? I have no business putting my two cent's worth into this situation but if she loves "her" dog, she won't put him through this which will undoubtedly be traumatic for him. What is she thinking??

  4. Mama Pea, I did explain that to her, and that being alone for long periods of time will cause stress and anxiety, also leading to decline. She was very nasty in her response and hasn't spoken to me other than she's coming to get him and her belongings.

  5. Your love for him shines through, so I am sure the right thing will happen in the end.

  6. She's being absolutely cruel. She needs a lesson in taking care of pets. They aren't part-time animals that only need love when you feel like giving it or to be left alone all day and or night. What if she wants to go away for the weekend with friends and can't take him with her? She needs a rude awakening about life. Sorry but that's the truth.
    - from a dog lover who treats them like family

  7. I am EXTREMELY UPSET reading this Kristina...harkens back to my issue with Pavlov and Stella's owner who RIPPED them from my aching heart after 9 months taking care of them...I'm sorry you are going through this. I hope she gets tired of him and you can give him the care he needs. xxx

  8. What a predicament, afraid the dog wouldn't be going anywhere.
    The poor old boy needs to be where he is loved and safe.
    If he was going to a loving ideal home then OK. But he isn't poor love.
    Daughter or not!!
    Belongings and property yes, dog no.

  9. Oh, daughters can get very nasty, can't they? Please Lord, make her come to her senses and return the fur baby to the rightful place ...loving environment, special treatment, much care and oodles of love. This is insane, harsh and unjust treatment. She should be put in the pound. Snap out of it! Good Luck and I'd call Judge Judy and the fabulous Hot Bench judges. Sic em on her.

  10. My daughter did this with her dog. My husband did not want her pit bull here at the house because we had French Bulldogs and older labs. She brought him anyway, left him to move with her boyfriend. When she tried to take him back, my dear husband said, No way. This is his home and here he has brothers and sisters. She was not happy, but her stayed and we loved him dearly until he passed. Hang tough!!!

  11. Thank you for all your comments. I am praying he'll be back soon. Crossing our fingers.

  12. So sorry to hear this! I pray she will see the light and let him live out his time with you all on the farm! Hugs!!

  13. So sad all the way around. I'm praying she comes to her senses quickly and returns him to his home with you where he belongs!


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