Sunday, August 4, 2019

He's Gone....

My heart just broke yesterday.  Daughter came and picked him up.  I watched out the window as he went running past her car, and back to the door to the house.  I could see that look on her face, of shock, that her dog didn't want to go with her.  She had to grab him by his collar and put him in her car.  I'm gonna miss this guy, but most of all worry about him.  I sure hope and pray she brings him back.

I'm pretty sure she won't be able to afford his flea/tick/heartworm meds, so that means he could be back soon.  Hoping anyway. 

We noticed her car was not fixed since her accident, so now we know where she got the money to pay a deposit for her apartment - the insurance check (shaking my head).


  1. Oh dear. You must be heartbroken. I hope your daughter either sees sense or can't afford to keep him and you get him back . . .

  2. They break our hearts sometimes - the kids - the dogs. Praying for a good outcome, all the way around.

  3. I pray she brings him back before the end of the month. Feeding and caring for a dog can be expensive and she doesn't sound as if she will be able to afford him.

  4. I'm putting my money'll have your little buddy back. Doesn't sound as though being
    responsible is part of the plan. I'm sorry you're sad, and I hope the pooch will be ok. Hope it's a short stint.

  5. Oh gee, from the title and pic, I thought he was dead. Thank God he isn't.
    Unfortunately, all this is often the way of young people. I have to admit, I was that way myself some 55 years ago. "Live for today for tomorrow we may die." I pray she takes good care of the dog. I KNOW you did. Can you visit her now and then to see the dog and ensure that? I hope so.
    We have another one ourselves today. A dog that we had placed with a Vet with severe PTSD seemed to work out well for them both for a while, but then the guy got a new "girlfriend" (don't ask me about HER) and the dog went by the wayside. Today Bro Tom stopped in for a visit. Noticed the dog was out in his run. Went out to visit the dog and saw that he had NO water and the dry food placed out there for him was moldy. So he went back into the house and raised cane with the guy. Went out and loaded Milo (the dog) up and brought him back here. Now he has a big new house, a new run and good food and water. His run is next to our main dog (Buddy) and they lay next to each other at the fence line. We couldn't put them together though because Buddy is very food aggressive, coming to us as an abused stray where obviously he was teased with food.
    So that's that at this household. Everything else is going fine.
    I was so elated when I realized I walked out to the dog runs, sat in a chair for a while to visit with the dogs (all I can really do since neither like me for some reason) and walked all the way back in WITHOUT A CANE!!! In fact, Bro Tom was walking behind me (in case I faltered) and I beat him back to the house.
    Praise and Thank God!!!
    God bless.

  6. I'm so sorry to read your last two posts :( I hope that your daughter brings him back soon. If he barks when he's left alone, her neighbours will complain and she might face losing her apartment again. Just imagine him walking back through your door, miracles do happen.xx

  7. We do get attached to those fur-babies! Hoping you get Jesse back soon.

  8. I am so sorry...deep down I had hoped she would do the right thing.

  9. Sad. Praying he is back with you sooN!!

  10. After reading a couple of posts about this dog and this girl, I believe I would have let her complain and whine, but that dog would have stayed. My girls know when I am saying something that I will not change my mind about and they don't argue!


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