Friday, August 2, 2019

The Tomatoes are Free and Other Ramblings

Here's a quick look at the new washcloths . . .

After showering and cleaning up after a long day in the garden, I got a few minutes of crochet time on the porch.  This pattern is different from the one I have, and makes a larger washcloth.  Updates later.  I think I got 15 minutes alone out there before heading to the kitchen.

Updates later on the garden progress.  I've been out there non-stop, in between putting up corn.  Plants are small, even green beans.  Even the green beans themselves are half the length.  We need rain.  Lots of it right now. The squash plants that survived are half the size they should be as well.

Mom and Dad both are bringing food for the babies.  We can't see them, but we hear them when they are fed.  Otherwise they are very quiet babies.

I had a very very busy day in the kitchen yesterday.   Of course this was all after a few hours freeing the tomato plants from their weed bondage.  They are free at last.

First I had to do a mountain of dishes.

Second, had dandelions to blanch and freeze.

Third, had to make a bacon/potato/onion/jalapeno/dandelion green and egg scramble.  Minus the bits of bacon that went in my mouth.  I couldn't resist.  I had not had lunch, so breakfast was my lunch.  Hubby is a hard working man, so it's important to me that he gets something healthy and hearty.
Image may contain: food
Fourth, had rotten bananas so I baked chocolate bourbon spiked banana bread.  Without the drizzle on it.

Fifth, I had to wash all the dirty dishes. Again.  Good thing we had leftovers.

Last night we chased chickens.  The new hens learned how to get out into the run, but are too dumb to know how to get back in.  

We literally went out twice to get catch them and get them inside.  Daughter said, "How are we gonna get them?  It's like Jurassic Park out here?" Ha ha ha ha!  The weeds are taller than me, and that's tall.  We got them in though.


  1. Catching chickens can be a task. You have been a very busy lady. I must say that bread sounds amazing!

  2. Carol, thanks. The bread recipe is free online, and is the most moist bread I've made. It's delicious. Even without the drizzle on top.

  3. You are always so busy. The scramble looks and sounds delicious, I have never thought to add dandelion, I must try that. I smiled at catching the chickens I know how that feels herding them back.

  4. mamasmercantile, that chicken chasing wore us all out lol!


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