Monday, August 5, 2019

Happy Homemaker Monday

A recent sunrise at the homestead.
Thank you all for your kind words about Jesse.  It's been rough days here since he's been taken to her apt.  I'm trying to stay busy.

Speaking of busy.  Since we were up early again, and I was rattling off my to-do list, Hubby gave me good advice - just focus on one thing today like the kitchen.  That's my focus this morning.  The kitchen.

It's been like "wild kingdom" out here this year.  We've seen a opossum, had a ground hog that had babies and moved on, had one ground hog come to the door (eating cat food), had lots of deer, have 3 red headed wood peckers, a wren that made a nest at our door in a flower pot, have butterflies, and a bat maternity unit in our barn so far this year.  We also have a hummingbird and my yellow finch is back.

If I was writing a book this summer, it would be titled "Saving the Tomatoes and Potatoes and other "GAH!" Gardening Moments."  I may just start writing it.

I have been weeding out the tomatoes.   I was tired one day, I left the chicken water bucket out in the shade with eggs in it.  They were still there in the morning though.

It's been bone dry.  First row causalities were 4.  They are small, but look good.  Photo is before the tilling was done.  Some tomatoes are turning red already and I have picked a handful of wax beans.

Third row had one casualty with the weed whacker.  It happens.  Got it all done now, so it's off to weed the potatoes next.

There are "good" moments out here too.  Like hearing the hen lay an egg, or one of the roosters trying to crow (ha ha!  Made me laugh it sounded so funny!).

I hope to be making homemade cinnamon rolls soon, so I can also share the recipe.  We had a family get together Saturday, so Romeo got to have a doggie day with his buds Zuri and King  (so he didn't have to stay home in his kennel).  He was so worn out when we picked up back up.  He slept all the way home.  

Sunday, we had planned to visit the county fair, but talked ourselves out of it.  We didn't want to pay $14 to get in, only to eat bad food, so we skipped it this year.  I most likely will enter something next year.  If I remember, ha ha!  I totally forgot about it this year.  Instead, we hooked up with a large group of riders and went for a very fun motorcycle adventure.  I had so many laughs I did not even take my phone out to take one photo.

I'm joining Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom today. 

On the breakfast plate . . .
Nothing yet.  It's 5am. Possibly eggs or scramble.

The weather outside is . . .
High of 89°F, no chance of rain (again)

Right now I am. . .
Posting this while Hubby and I sip hot coffee

On my bedside table . . .
I have no idea, and too lazy to go look, ha ha@

Reading . . .

Movies I watched . . .

On the menu . . . 
-Reubens with homemade sauerkraut
-Tacos (still haven't made them)
-Spaghetti (still haven't made this either - tomatoes thawing)
-Pulled Pork Nachos
-Something grilled with Cowboy Beans

-a round of blueberry pancakes and side of bacon or sausage

On the to-do list . . . 
-clean out the fridge
-garden weeding
-bake cookies (we are over due for some)

What I am creating . . .
Currently working on trying to finish that pair of hot pads. Oh, and one last bracelet order.

Looking forward to . . . 
A super clean kitchen today.

Looking around the house . . .
I still have lots of cardboard boxes to break down and store to use in the garden.  That's another days "focus."

From the camera. . .

A few of our butterflies.

Two stinkers who were trying to pull the corn out of the bags.

Tiger eating dried up corn husks, ha ha!  In the box!

Close up view of the wren's nest in the flower pot next to our front door.  It's like a cave.  There is a top on the nest to protect them.  Very interesting.  Mom and Dad continue to feed them.  That green part in the photo is part of the plant in the way of my camera. 

One of my simple pleasures . . . 
Crocheting or knitting on the porch.

Praying . . .
That daughter will bring Jesse back to the homestead.  If you didn't read about it, just go back a few posts.


  1. I'm so sorry about the issues with your daughter and the dog. Praying that things settle down soon. Loved the photos of the butterflies and wren nest. Hope you have a great week!

  2. I have been away on vacation and have not read about Jesse so will go back to read about it.
    Have a great week

  3. Wow, if our county fair were $14.00 no one would go! Every place is different. Ours is free admission but $5.00 per car to park. It's easy walking distance or able bodied people so it gives people options.
    Have a great day!

  4. Just read the previous posts - catching up. So so sorry about Jesse, makes my heart hurt for you. I bet she brings him back, and soon.

  5. Thanks Debby, the fair is $7 p.person so $14 for the both of us to get in.

  6. Praying for Jesse's return. Darn kids!!!

  7. I am so sorry about Jesse and pray that he is brought back to his home soon.

    I can't wait for it to be cool enough to sit outside and crochet or sit outside and do anything at this point lol.

  8. Just caught up on the last few posts, praying he is back with you soon!! That sunrise is gorgeous! Love your simple pleasure!! Have a great week!

  9. I am so sorry about Jesse, and I really hope you get him back as soon as possible.

    Hope you have a blessed week!

  10. Am praying for Jesse's soon return and the chance to live out his natural life on the farm where he is happy. Love your butterfly pics! Have a blessed week ahead!

  11. Loved the photos of the butterflies. I'm praying about the issues with your daughter and the dog and hope that things settle down soon. Hope you had a great week!


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