Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Tuesday Tidbits

Before the sunrise yesterday.  We are getting some beautiful morning views.  

Our 20 year-old's car has been broken down for a few months, and Hubby finally go to look at it.  The part is out that needs replaced, and we hope to get it up and running.  Finally.  That's his focus.   Next focus is replacing the plastic kitchen drawer brackets with metal.  All the pots and pans are still on my kitchen table for now (I have more drawers than cupboards here).  The people prior to us, put them in that way, and they have broken now (lasted about 10 years).

I had a lot to clean up in the kitchen, including clean the coffee pot.  It hasn't been brewing quick enough lately.  I even had an order that was shipped and not unpacked.  My focus stayed on the kitchen - good advice from Hubby.  

Instead of placing some orders for items we need, I simply wrote out the list and kept my focus on the kitchen.  I went from one counter to the next vs. trying to attack everything at once.

I did not weed a thing either.  I'm waiting on the rain that is to come today and tomorrow.  That'll make weeding go so much faster.

Focusing on the kitchen was a good thing overall.  We've been talking about having Hubby's family over for a cookout (which I prefer over a breakfast gathering).  Hopefully, we can get a date set soon.

Keeping busy is a good thing right now.  I'm really having a hard time with Jesse not here any longer.  I miss him so much it's ridiculous.  I don't have my porch pal, my pal to go to the chickens, my pal period.  Sigh.  Even the little things remind me he's not here.  Like eating a piece of toast, and him sitting by my side waiting to be treated the last bite.

Since we didn't plant much of a garden, there is nothing to harvest right now.  I need to buy some zucchini and yellow squash soon and put that in the freezer.  I just need to locate an organic produce stand or get it at the grocer (they carry it this time of year).   I'll have to buy broccoli and cauliflower this year as well.  Not to mention peas and a whole lot of other produce and fruit.  We got only a handful of our red raspberries this year, and the blackberries are just now turning ripe.  


  1. you are a busy gal. You stick to the list. I get all side tracked sometimes. I did transplant some tiger lillies this morning, we are to get rain today and that will help them settle in. I've closed up the blog as private for now, it concerns me that I had 366 visitors in one day..from the Netherlands??????? I am considering finding another venue for my place. Not comfortable with Google at the moment. But I will continue to visit. I hope your buddy will be back sooner than later. That is a sad situation, for all of you, and the poor pup doesn't understand. Good luck with your kitchen cleanup.

  2. I'm just waiting for the post titled "He's Back"

  3. Thanks Faith, I do get visitors from out of the country, but I watch my comments. I preview them before they are posted. You could do that too.

  4. You know Kristina...we are living kind of parallel sadness. I feel so much for you about losing Jesse. By a weird coincidence, Alex got a facebook message from that creep who owns Pavlov and Stella. Apparently for the last year, he has been putting them off and on in a shelter because he's still (at nearly 40 years old) trying to "find" himself. Grrr. I burst into tears when I heard that and said "we should have kept them"...Alex sent a reply saying we are willing to adopt them if it's too much for creep to handle. We haven't got a reply yet...but the waiting is killing me.

    I know what you're going through. Missing him, worrying, wondering. All I can do is sent you hugs. xx

  5. I like your blog! Looks to be very encouraging. Looking forward to reading more.

  6. Hi Kristina sounds like you are very busy and being very productive ,I am going through my cupboards at the moment and I need to check what's in the pantry and fridge/freezer before I write out my grocery list as I find I am wasting too much food, Hope you have a lovely day my friend xx

  7. Rain, the sad part is that I don't know where she is living (other than the city itself). I so hope she doesn't dump him at a shelter somewhere. I am praying you get your dogs back too. That's great that you have someone to message.

  8. Thanks Elisabeth, glad you came for a visit and are enjoying my blog.

  9. Sheryl, I do need to clean out my cupboards too, ha ha! Not all, but a few that are a bit un-organized. Have a great day too!


I apologize for having to monitor the comments, but I have gotten too many spam comments. I do appreciate all of your comments, and welcome them.