Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Rare Sight ~ Sunrise

Saw this guy a few times the other day.  A very rare sight.

Trying to take photos is almost impossible.  Traffic will be heavy on our country highway until October.  Ugh.

Saw these guys out yesterday morning.  Three bucks enjoying their breakfast.

Well, I went out and watered everything.  It's gonna be in the 90's today, and I just shook my head the entire time.  Weeds so high and thick I can't see where the plants are or the flowers.  Only where I managed to weed tomatoes.  Oh, tomatoes are on, and so are jalapenos, and I picked a handful of red raspberries.

Daughter is not interning today.  We'll see if I can snag some help weeding and get the flower beds caught up.  Hm.  She'll probably ditch me and go swimming, but I don't blame her today.

I'll be a bit slower at getting around to everyone's blogs, but will be on indoor cooling down breaks, in between weeding.  I was up at 4:44am this morning. Oh yay......


  1. Enjoyed your nature photos. I saw a bird like that yesterday and forgot all about looking it up to see what it was until I read your post. They are very pretty, it is a Downy Woodpecker. I've never seen one before, sometimes we have a red bellied woodpecker ( which doesn't have a red belly), Anyway, thank you for showing the picture, it is a lovely bird.

  2. What a joy to visit today and see the woodpecker and the deer and the sunrise was a real delight.

  3. Bro Tom, bless his heart BIG, has cleared the front flower beds of weeds. Being sick for the past two winters, it got out of hand and it was hard to tell the good from the bad, but he managed. The roses are all cut back to a foot and will start all over, but sometimes that's what you've got to do.
    With back pain, been sleeping flat on a wedge pillow, and discovered that's what's leading to the swelling in my legs and feet, so did away with that last night. Didn't sleep well, but the swelling is down a bit today. Maybe I'll get a nap in later today.
    Prayers for all the wildlife out your way, that the diverted traffic doesn't run over any of them.
    Prayers for you and your critters too, that they're safe from the new traffic pattern.
    God bless.

  4. RB, glad you swelling is down. Yeah, the traffic is horrible here now. I saw someone riding their bicycle on the highway. Not safe at all with the huge increase in semi-trailers now.

  5. Looks like a red-headed woodpecker to me. We used to see them here in Minnesota when I was a kid, pretty frequently. I had not seen one in many, many years until just this summer spotted one in the park in town. Great photos!

  6. Debby, you are right. And they are very rare here too.


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