Saturday, July 27, 2019

This and That

The babies are hatched now, and being fed constantly.  I'm sure they'll be flying out soon.  Doesn't take them long.  Hopefully before my plant dies.

Our neighbors, about 3-4 fields away got solar panels installed.

My zinnias are finally blooming, and they are feeding our hummingbird and the butterflies.

Our dinner one night - crock pot beef stroganoff.  I didn't have homemade noodles, so those were Amish made.  I just haven't had time to restock noodles but dinner was fabulous.

TIP:  To make the beef very tender I learned this from a cooking show.  Although in the show they used soy sauce for their particular sauce recipe, here's what I did - add a bit of baking powder and corn starch and a bit of liquid to meat and let sit 20 minutes.  I used Worcestershire sauce and the beef literally fell apart.

Another night's dinner, but I was not feeling the whole heat up the house at 450°F thing.   Biscuits and sausage gravy, fried organic potatoes, scrambled eggs, and baked apples.  I did it somewhat early.  Once again, daughter used the puppy as an excuse not to learn how to bake them.  Sigh.  I don't think I get any of my kids to learn anything about baking from scratch. 

I am always asked, "how do you get the layers in those?"  I use only organic ingredients, and add the milk last, cold from the fridge (whole, organic).  I also slice the butter in half, flip it once, cut in half again (long way), and then make slices.  I drop the dots of butter, and hand cut them into the dry ingredients.  I also roll the dough the least amount I have to.  The last biscuit is typically the one that doesn't have the layers.

Baked the apples in my crock pot this time, and it was delicious.  I'll have to remember this for a breakfast with the family.

My butterflies now have a water source.  I picked the "chip and dip" dish up at the grocery store, 70% off.  Works perfect.


  1. Good Morning, it's now 6:25 am. I thought I was up early but see you've been up a wee while longer than I. So well have coffee together huh? Watering the potted plants this morning, it's quiet, the Flag is out, the sun is coming up in pink hues, God is going monochrome this morning with the crayons. The sliver of a moon is out, I tried to take a picture. Love the Zinnia too. Mine are also blooming like crazy, all that tainwater,better than tap for them I suppose. Have a good day.

  2. I love making biscuits. Yours look so yummy in that picture.

  3. The biscuits look awesome! I drooled just looking at the mashed potatoes. You know, it wasn't until I was in my early 40's that I appreciated cooking from scratch. I just wanted convenience before then but now I'm glad I don't eat that way anymore!

  4. My Annie was oh so interested as a small child in baking and cooking, but by age 14 turned up her nose at any suggestion she bake or cook with me as she wasn’t interested. But in her twenties she became very interested and is a better more adventurous cook than I am

  5. My goodness the food photos are making my mouth water, I am feeling hungry this morning so your breakfast plate would just hit the spot.

  6. You are right about rain water for the zinnia's Faith. Good morning to you too.

  7. Rain, if my kids love the taste of my food, they will have to learn early, ha ha! Can't get that from a can, but yes, my other kids are all about "fast" food too.

  8. Mary that is great to hear. Hopefully, one of my kids will learn.

  9. I have biscuit envy! i have tried to no avail to achieve your yummy looking success!! I am going to try your butter dividing technique.......

  10. The chip & dip dish is a great idea for leaving out water for butterflies, bees, etc. And yes, since July 4th has passed, many stores are discounting them sharply. That's how we've gotten most of our critter feeding dishes.
    The meals look great. Not able to have gluten, though I love biscuits and sausage gravy, I generally save them for special occasions because I know having them often would make me very sick.
    To get daughter to learn how to make biscuits from scratch, I wonder if it would work for you to get things laid out, then pretend you have a terrible headache or knee ache or something, and she has to finish the rest. That might work. Might not too. LOL
    Prayers for a wonderful week ahead for us all, and a safe one too.
    God bless.

  11. RB, ha ha! Never thought of that idea to get her to make the biscuits.


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