Friday, July 26, 2019

Good Gravy!

Everywhere I looked, there was a job to get done.  UGH!  It was also intern day, so outdoor time was limited (again).  Puppy duty day.

Dishwasher needed emptied and reloaded.  Laundry needed done, crockpot dinner started, yard picked up, puppy pool emptied and brought up, hose pulled in (mower guy showed up), etc.  

Bathroom needed cleaned.  Kitchen table cleaned off.  Carpets needed vacuumed.  Dog needed brushed.  Beef needed cooked for Jesse.  I needed to mail in a paper for daughter for her intern work.

Trash needed to go out.  Chickens needed tending.  I got more orders for hot pads, but need to make them also.  Library books needed to be returned.  I needed to figure out what to make and take to a cookout this weekend, and the following (when is a girl gonna get time for a motorcycle ride with all this stuff going on?  Just say no?).

Recipes needed written and filed.  Senior pictures needed taken (again, day 2).  My tote that I store my garden starts in, with shelving needed put back in storage.  Boxes needed broke down and stored to use in the garden.  Flower beds and herb garden still need weeded.  Fridge needs cleaned out still.

Cake decorating doo-dads needed put away, the rest of the radishes needed pulled....list is endless right now.


I just said no after 2pm and took a long break on the porch.  Cold coffee with a splash of goodness did the trick.

Ignore.  Ignore.  Ignore that list for now.

Here is what I did get done, and it wasn't on the list.....

This is where I planted the radishes, sweet potatoes and other potatoes.  Grass is about 4 feet high.  I got half the radishes dug up.  Some are still small, so I'm weeding out the grass now.  Plants look good despite.  I got all the garlic but what I couldn't find dug up, and all the green beans weeded.  One row was a fail.  I just dug up the plants that lived (about 5 sadly) and moved them to the other row.  Hubby has permission to mow it down for me.

I got the radishes trimmed and scrubbed, and garlic in an area to dry.  Bulbs are much smaller.  

I am mowing down the garlic bed and saying goodbye to it.  We will not be using it, and downsizing.  I'll plant the garlic in the other garden.  We have plans to rip up all the raised beds and rebuild and do it differently as well.

A tractor just went to the top of the wish list.  If the pasture isn't mowed down, we have this issue every year, and the spring rain made it worse this year.   We may look to hire someone this year though.


  1. Whew! Yes have you a sit down with some nice cold coffee, and enjoy your beautiful place weeds and all. Take a few minutes, sip you coffee and enjoy the bounty.

  2. What's the new plan for the garden? Will you still do raised beds? I saw a you tube video, a couple used ground cover and just made holes in it where they planted their seeds. They didn't have to worry at all about weeds. They covered most of them with row covers/hoops and they had fantastic results. I'm looking into all sorts of methods to garden that won't require back breaking work...not for now, it's all containers, but for the future home. I thought about Back To Eden, but you really need access to LOTS of wood chips.

    Your list exhausted me Kristina. I think I'll have a glass of wine to recover lol! ;)

  3. My goodness, you certainly deserved a break with a nice cold drink.

  4. We've been here for over 40 years and every fall, leaves are raked and put into the garden area (just thrown, not turned/stirred). So, you can imagine, if they hadn't rotted down, how high it would be. But, it composts and makes better garden dirt than Georgia hard, red clay (not to mention the huge, beautiful worms that turn the leaves into soil). Therefore, weeds and grass do not overtake the garden, veggies, etc. Don't know if you have a lot of trees/leaves, but an idea. Good luck and, hey, 40 years from now ...No more grass/weeds. Uhmmmmm. Haha. You've got time, I'm sure.

  5. Rain, we will do more raised beds and grow bags for sure.

  6. Mother Em, one year we raked up the leaves and put them over the garden for that purpose. However, we get high winds over winter and fall.


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