Monday, July 29, 2019

Happy Homemaker Monday

Baby red-headed woodpecker.  We are thinking of leaving this dead tree for the birds.  The woodpeckers love it.  We have seen 3 of them now.  

Saturday we hit the garden early.  However, after a lot of curse words from Hubby's mouth (I warned him), we pooped out early as well. 

We showered, sipped down more coffee, and went on a long motorcycle ride.  Boy it felt great.

Sunday we hit the garden early again.  Tomatoes are dug out, and some of the potatoes.  Green beans were tilled and a lot of weed whacking accomplished.  All pepper plants look good, and we have blossoms on the squash (crossing our fingers).  

Potatoes.  Nope.  Not doin' it!  Hubby weed whacked the tops, I'll water and see if I can find the plants.  If not, we are mowing it down.  

We won't be planting a garden next year at all.  Not until we can hire someone to mow the pasture or purchase a tractor and bush hog ourselves.  It's just dumb and so much work, especially when we have the heavy spring rain followed by a heat wave.  It's ridiculous.  I'll really miss my home grown food, but I do agree.  No garden until the pasture can be controlled.  Hubby has agreed that we may just only plant in grow pots if we plant anything next year.

We picked up corn finally.  There are no deals this year as of yet.  I don't blame them with the season we've had.  We are down to our last 6 bags of corn in the freezer.  We bought from a new source, and will boil a few cobs to taste test.  Corn was not so tasty from anywhere last year.  We picked up 2 bushels.

We had another get together for a niece's birthday party.  The party was mid afternoon thankfully.

I'm joining Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom today.  I'm up early.  Working in the garden again this morning, so I can get back in early.  It's gonna be a humid day.

On the breakfast plate . . .
Have no idea, it's 5am right now as I'm posting.  I have to get out to the garden early.  Don't worry I'll eat something.

The weather outside is . . .
High of 89°F, 40% chance of rain tonight and tomorrow morning.

On my beside table . . .
Readers, notebook, pen, water glass

On my reading pile . . .

Movies I watched . . .
Not much, heading to the library for movies this week.

On the menu . . .
-Spaghetti with homemade sauce using the last 3 bags of homegrown tomatoes from the garden
-Tacos - didn't make this last week
-Sloppy Charlies and Melting Potatoes (new potato recipe), corn on the cob
-Baked French Toast and sausage for a few breakfasts
-Leftovers  ( all in no particular order  )

On the to-do list . . .
Bake bread
Work in the gardens - it's a daily thing
Clean fridge out
Sweep off porch
Clean up kitchen
Shuck and freeze corn
Make some campfire fire starters
Write up a camping menu - hoping to have fresh homegrown green beans by the time we go (foil packet dinner)

What I am creating . . .
Washcloths for us.  Pattern is free online.  These are larger than the ones I sell and a different pattern.  I think I will make a few and try them out first.   Then it's back to bracelets if the people decide on colors for the remaining orders.  Check back soon for another handiwork update.

Looking forward to  . . . 
Right now, I literally am looking forward to having the entire veggie garden weeded and tilled.

Looking around the house . . . 
It needs cleaned up, but on dry days, the garden wins.  It's just how it is.

From the camera . . .

Not the greatest pictures, but we have lots of deer this year.

One of my simple pleasures . . .
Slipping into PJ's by 4pm, and eating dinner in bed watching a movie.  Usually this happens if it's been a crock pot dinner day and I've been outside working in the garden, and come in hot, sweaty tired and needing another shower.

Praying . . .
No particular friend requests, us, the kids


  1. I would love to see those deer at my house. We occasionally have one or two come through the yard. My husband and I don't do much of a garden these days either as it is a lot of work to keep the weeds out of it. Our weather never cooperates.

  2. Carol, it's downright frustrating with the weeds and the amount we plant. I'm just glad we didn't plant the rest of it this year.

  3. we had some corn this weekend from our local farmers market, we got there right when they opened and the wagon was heavy with fresh corn, you could smell the freshness as we husked them, they were moist and fresh. We ate some when we got home...oh really so good. You freeze it? Can you tell us how? Do you freeze the entire cob? The weather :( very hot here again. We've had about 3 perfect days all summer. Looking forward to easing into fall slowly.

  4. Faith, I'll repost the link tomorrow, but we take if off the cob. I had little room to freeze it on the cob last year, but you can do that too.

  5. Gardens are a lot of work. I need to hit up our farmers market this weekend. The melting potatoes have me intrigued! Love all the pics of the deer! Have a great Monday!

  6. Love the woodpecker and deer pics! I've got hummingbirds around here and I love every time I see one at the feeder :)

  7. Nice deer. Our deer are so small up here on the mountain. I love your red headed woodpecker. We have a pair of Pileated Woodpeckers that live on our property. They're interesting birds to watch. Have a great week.

  8. Jodi, I'll post an update on those potatoes.

  9. Becki, we have a hummingbird here, and he loves my flowers.

  10. We gave up row gardening a few years back, but not because of overgrown fields, because the farmer behind us uses RoundUp before he tills, and it made us afraid to eat anything we grew. So we grow tomato plants in pots (cherry tomatoes mostly which I LOVE to snack on), and parsley which is my favorite herb (and which mostly goes to the butterflies-that's ok LOL)
    Prayers everyone has a great week ahead. I have Rehab on Wednesday and Thursday (groan but it always feels so great afterward).
    God bless.

  11. What a nice picture of the woodpecker. Nature.....nothing like it.

  12. Beautiful photos of the local wildlife, you live in a beautiful area, surrounded by beauty. Glad you managed to get out for a ride on the bike you certainly deserve a break.

  13. RB, thankfully, since the farmers here couldn't get in to spray, and plant, we've had it good this year as far as that. As for weeding - blech.

  14. Thanks Faith, they were out again the other day.

  15. Have you ever tried the raised bed gardening (I think that's what it's called...). I keep trying to get my husband on board with that idea. Beautiful deer photos. Hope you are in the middle of a wonderful week!

  16. Jean, yes we have 4 right now, but will be digging them out and redoing them.

  17. I LOVE that woodpecker picture! And the deer are great too. I hope you had a WONDERFUL week.


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