Thursday, July 11, 2019

It's Rolling In ~ Last Night

New Projects.

New project.  Already started on it too.

...and finished one.  I will be making more in the near future.  Just have to get more supplies.  Boho beaded bracelets.

A few of my "unsupervised" online shopping is starting to arrive.  Top photo wasn't the actual color online, but I'll work with it.  Who knows when I'll get to these either.  I'm back to weeding and it's a constant, daily thing right now.

Today, I'm expecting another shipment, and feeling all giddy.  Somehow it's more fun than shopping in the stores.  I better not get used to that, ha ha!

I cheated making dinner the other night, but it was so good.  I bought organic jarred Alfredo sauce and made an easy crock pot chicken Alfredo.  Next time, I'll try it with homemade Alfredo in the crock pot.  If you want the recipe, it's online with Eating on a Dime (Easy Crock pot Chicken Alfredo Casserole).  The noodles are tossed in dry and they were not mushy when I served it either.  I used all organic ingredients of course, but like I said, I cheated.  What can I say, I am downright tired and worn out.

So tired, that when Hubby handed me his coffee cup, and asked me to refill it, I literally put it in the sink and left it there.  Minutes later he asked about his coffee.  Gulp.  Yep.  We are so ready for this night shift 12 hour shift to be over with.

Last night was Hubby's last night for the night shift.  He's home and off work for a few days, so if you don't see a post too soon, you know we are enjoying our time together.  Possible motorcycle rides and the list is endless.

Yesterday, I was up and at-um with the bold intention to weed a flower bed and toss down another bag of mulch.  It literally lasted a second.  The minute I stepped to the edge to kneel down, a big snake slithered into it right where I wanted to weed.  Nope.  Nope and nope.  I'll wait for the mower to send them elsewhere before I return.  Weeds prevail.

He may be mowing today when he wakes up though.  Sadly, our biker friend we hired to mow, hasn't been back for over a week.  He was also hired to do some work on one daughter's car, and cut down trees. No sign of him, and the grass is growing tall.  Car still broke down, and trees growing too quickly.

On a good note, we'll be celebrating one way or another this weekend.


  1. Enjoy you time with your hubby. The weeds, not going anywhere. Eventually they will be so tall you won't have to bend so far. :) Hoping your routine gets back in order and things will settle down. Shopping online? It's more "funner". I'm getting rather tired of going to the store(s) trying to find things. All they have is on the shelf, like cookie cutters. Well anyhoo...receiving packages is fun. enjoy. The Boho beaded bracelet, crochet?

  2. I love online shopping although it takes time but then you have something to look forward to coming in the mail! Have fun and glad your husband is off the night shift! Love the new jewelry!

  3. Faith, thanks. Yes the bracelet is crocheted.

  4. Love the crochet bracelet, so pretty. Seeing a snake would be the end of me. How sad that your friend has not be reliable. Have a wonderful time with hubby, catching up.

  5. Enjoy your time together!!! I can't imagine how exhausted you both must be! Maybe it's time to hire someone else to mow the lawn...hope that doesn't offend!


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