Monday, July 15, 2019

Happy Homemaker Monday

Good Morning Monday!

I'm joining up with Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom.
Lots to do today.

We literally went "off grid" over the weekend. We stole away to the island and took two of the girls.  Oh my gosh they loved it. Their first time there.  There is no cell service there on most of the island and it's spotty in one area.   By the way, we have to go back since we didn't get our traditional margaritas this trip.  They now have a hippie store there, and the girls fell in love.  One came home with tye-dye crocs and pink heart shaped sunglasses, ha ha!

We got a flat tire on our golf cart, so we were sitting at an outside bar/restaurant. Oh darn, had to order a long island iced tea.

We got help, but had to wait about an hour.  In that time I got a text message.  Had we not gotten the flat tire, I would not have gotten the text that said if someone didn't pick him up on Friday (we had already left), that the person was taking him to the Humane Society that day).  Our daughter got someone to go get him via social media.

Guess what we picked up when we got home?  Yep.  Our youngest daughter now has her own dog.  His name is Romeo. He's a pitt-mix.  He is the most adorable puppy you could have too.  So loving.  By the way Romeo LOVES Jesse, but Jesse is scared of him, and avoids all contact, ha ha ha!  Oh my gosh, he tries to play with Jesse all the time.

Speaking of Jesse, thanks to our son, he now has steps that go up to our bed.  Poor ol' guy just can't jump up anymore.  He also has a step stool to get into our son's car when we need him to watch him. 

We came home to a fully mowed lawn, weed whacked and some of the trees cut down!  So, so, so thankful for that.  I'll be heading to the bank for some cash for our biker friend.  So thankful for the help.  His lack of presence was simply lack of communication.  He'll be back to finish the trees, but not until this heat wave ends.

On the breakfast plate . . .
Have no clue.  Daughter ate all the eggs but one, and didn't bring in any of the ones from the coop over the weekend (double grr).  Gonna hire someone else next time.

The weather outside . . .
Woke up to 67°F, high of 90 and a good chance of rain.  They are predicting a high of 113° later this week.  Yeah, not looking forward to that at all.  I will have to ice the chickens several times.

Right now I am . . . 

On my bedside table . . .
The same.  Never cleaned it off.

On my reading pile . . .

Movies I watched . . .
The Holy Grail, Indiana Jones - only thing we could get on the island, lol!

On the TV . . .
Whatever service we could get on the island.

On the menu . . .
Have no clue.  Just getting adjusted to being back out of our "island" mode.

On my to-do list . . .
Trash and clean out fridge
Pick radishes
Run to town for errands
Water everything
Go thru mail that came while gone
Order more beads for bracelets - got more orders
Clean up computer desk area
Take a trip unsupervised somewhere (oh yeah)

What I am creating . . . 
I spent a short bit of quiet time at the island, crocheting a kitchen hand towel.  I was an island hooker, ha ha!

Looking forward to . . .
Our first camping trip, and we are in the midst of planning our next island trip (most likely our last for the year).

Looking around the house . . .
It's a total mess.  We had our 21 year-old here while gone, and she didn't clean anything, not even the dishes (Grrr!).  I'm not happy with her right now.  She has been late getting her dog his meds and hasn't made effort to see her own dog. He may be staying.  We'll be seeing about that. If she is that busy, he deserves to be here with us.

From the camera  . . .
I didn't take my camera to the island, but I took my cell phone.  I'll be honest I didn't take many, and it was the most and best way to retreat - no connection, no service, just us and the peace and quiet and relaxation.

What I am wearing today . . .
My new silky summer robe that says "Wifey" on the back.  I finally replaced it. Summer PJ's and my Harley Davidison slippers.  I'm just not ready to start this day and I am finally, finally back on my normal sleep schedule.  No more 4am mornings.  Hubby is back on days and 8 hours.  Woohoo!

One of my simple pleasures . . .
Unsupervised shopping.  He he!

Praying . . .
No special requests right now


  1. Sounds like a wonderful break away to your Island retreat, just what you needed. Glad the lawns and trees got done, sometimes communication issues can cause so many issues. My goodness that beautiful puppy would pull on anyone's heart strings, he is adorable.

  2. Thanks mamasmercantile, he is an adorable puppy.

  3. The island sounds like a wonderful place to get away to and, I dare say, I think I'd quite enjoy the hippie store! Your pictures are lovely! I hope your Monday is going well and that your week is off to a great start! Blessings!

  4. An island get away sounds amazing!
    The puppy is so cute. I'm sure he will be well loved. Have a great week.

  5. Thanks Monique. Hope your week is great too.

  6. *Sigh* I envy you so much. So busy too. Don't over do, rest and relax. BTW I'm in love with John Grisham. I think I almost have every book that he's ever written

  7. Oh how I wish I had an Island to escape to :) Cute puppy! Have a great week! I hope you can stop by:


  8. Such a cute cute puppy! I feel your frustration on the kids not picking up after themselves, especially as they get older.

    And I've been procrastinating right along with you today. Sometimes that's just what is needed.

    Hope you have a good week!

  9. Leanna, we never run out of projects here, but I do like my porch breaks.

  10. Thanks collettakay. We do love our island trips. Have a great week.

  11. Unplugging every now and then is a must! Cute puppy!

  12. Oh a puppy!!! That should bring tons of love and fun into your already busy and hectic life! ;) How sweet, I love the name too! Alex and I CANNOT walk into a shelter anymore, we always come home with a new pet...six is enough for now! :) I'm happy to hear your mower guy came through! :) If you don't mind Kristina, can you post a photo of the stairs for Jesse? Alex and I are thinking of building something for Marlene so she can get in and out of the bed...and we're thinking about something for the car too. Her back legs are wonky at times.

  13. Rain, I will get a photo for you. For a vehicle, a ramp works great too.

  14. Sounds like you had a wonderful time. I kept thinking of that line from the show Lost while reading your post "We have to go back to the island!" LOL. Cute little puppy. Hope the rest of your week was wonderful as well as the weekend.


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