Thursday, July 25, 2019

Hi Ho, Hi Ho It's Off to Weed I Go!

Yesterday's sunrise and guests that came by.  It wasn't the prettiest sunrise, but still pretty.

Due to excessive rain, followed by a heat wave, this happened.  To no fault of myself either.   I blame the weather.

Green beans are in there somewhere.  Oh what a mess it is.

Three hours of work, before I had to take care of the puppy (not happy about missing out on my work time when she interns).  Not all survived, but I should get a good amount.  One plant already has starts on it.  The last row is iffy.  Tall grass everywhere.  I put an S.O.S. out to one daughter who I know will come help withe either puppy or garden.  I hope to get that help soon.  

I hope to have a photo when it's tilled, but no promise.  I must move onto the potatoes or tomatoes next.  They are a hot mess too.  Row of wax beans looks great.  Beans on the plants too.  Second row (green beans), about 1/2 survived.  First row is a lost cause - only 4 plants survived.

It rained after I took those photos, and too wet to weed.  I will be heading out there again today.  


  1. the photos are beautiful. You live where earth touches sky or so it appears. Love the big bodacious fuffy clouds in the sunrise. Straight out of GOD's coloring book. Your deer friends, so pretty. We get them here in the city, the poor deer, they don't know what their missing living in the busy, noisy crowded fast city. They adapt.As we all do.

  2. Gosh the frustrating, I can't imagine all the work you'll be doing and I don't envy you! The photos are beautiful, the sky is so pretty! :)

  3. Thanks Rain. I love a good sunrise. Yes, the weeds are frustrating, but the green bean plants look great.

  4. I hate it when that happens! And it's so hard to keep up with it this time of year. :(

  5. Sad you have to do so much of this all on your own. I remember gardening, harvesting, etc. when I was a child and teen. It was hard work and wasn't fun, but that's what living on a farm is.
    Prayers you have a great weekend coming up.
    God bless.

  6. Loved the photo with the deer, the peace and tranquillity the photo evokes is a joy. Such a shame the weeds are taking over, the weather conditions have been a real hindrance for you again. It must be soul destroying after all your hard work. Today's another day, hopefully the weather will be conducive to garden work.

  7. Leigh, it is difficult to keep up with it, especially with no help whatsoever this year. Just me and myself, plus puppy.

  8. Thanks mamasmercantile. I'm working out there as much as I can these dry days we are having.


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