Monday, June 10, 2019

Weekend Updates

(Today's rain)

We've had a few dry days, but planting hasn't happened.  Hubby is over worked and sick, and tilling wasn't going to get done.  I may have to hire someone for some work around the outside of the house as well.  It's frustrating, but I can't change his work schedule.  We have lost one jalapeno plant to the last storm, and maybe one tomato, but all others still look good.

Saturday I ran errands all over the "big city." Picked up chicken feed, stopped at the bank, visited Mom and took her some lasagna, stopped at the grocery store and finally found organic fresh broccoli, and picked up another 453# of mulch.  Had to load the darn bags myself, since they only had one guy helping and it was too hot to just sit and wait for him. 

....when I'm unsupervised. 

I also picked up some solar lights for what little garden I have planted.  I am trying to deter the deer, coyote and other critters now.

Jesse stopped eating his food again, so I cooked a farm fresh egg for him and he finally ate.  Poor ol' dog.

Sunday, Hubby's only day off, we awoke to more rain.  

It's now occurred to me that with the crops not planted and the massive amounts of deer we've seen (more than ever before), that I need to get a dog and walk it around the property lines.  Daughter took Jesse to the park for the day and with him gone, I was lost without a dog for the day.  Fence is back on the list.

It's already been one heck of a morning.  Tiger flew out the door when I went out to take Jesse out. Took me an hour to get him back in.  Darn cat!  Looks like I will be getting out a hand saw and doing some of Hubby's outdoor chores.  They have to get done, and we can't really hire help.  Wish me luck this week, and maybe next week too.

It's a balmy, humid (88%) 70°F at 5:23am.  Rain is in the forecast again.  Yes, you heard me right.  More rain.  90% of farmers have not planted their crops, and my green bell peppers are starting to look terrible (no planted).

I was inspired to read a book by this author after our visit to the Alcatraz Crime Museum in Pigeon Forge.  The book explains how the author got his experience in forensics.

He was a forensics specialist and used his knowledge to write fiction books.  It just inspired me to read one of his books.  I've already ordered his first fiction book to read.

I'm also reading through old "writer" magazines I had bagged and stashed  in my bedroom closet.  I'm determined to clean them all out of there and actually read them.  Otherwise I'll be tempted to stash them back in the closet, and we don't want that happening.

I borrowed this movie from the library.  I love books, so I enjoyed this movie, however the ending is a bit of a downer.  I do recommend it if you love books.  You'll be reading a book or buying a book after watching it.

 Remember these kits I put together?  I decided it needed one more item in it....

A pair of reading glasses. I may buy more smaller eye needles and add a few of those for crochet thread projects.

I hate it when this happens - yarn imperfection.  Good thing I wasn't that far into crocheting this square.

. . . making granny squares for a Christmas present (scarf), another knitted dishcloth, Christmas ornaments and painting mini clipboards (which is on halt due to humidity).  More on all of these later.

Hubby refused to see a doctor at Urgent care Sunday (hmpf).  I got up and started breakfast Sunday.  He later got up and did the eggs for these omelets we had.  Wild violet jelly on the English muffin.  So good!

Sorry the post was so long today.  Hope you enjoyed it!


  1. I'm tired! You are a whilrlwind....I do hope your husband feels better soon, take care of him and yourself. Rain lots of rain here in NE's raining now, very humid. It's ok for the potted plants, but I can see if you have a large plot or acres...this is a problem. Later in the summer it will be the opposite. Likin the yarn projects....

  2. Thanks Faith, it's been horrible this year and most frustrating.

  3. The never ending rain seems like a nightmare for you, at least we get a break for a few days. Hope your hubby feels better soon, I am sure you are looking after him well. Remember to look after yourself to you are always so busy. Great projects.

  4. Thanks mamasmercantile. We will get a dry spell for a day or so again. I'm thankful for that.

  5. Thanks for the book suggestions! I love reading crime dramas. Thanks for sharing! Hope you have a great week! Blessings!


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