Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Plan G

I baked Einkorn flour peanut butter cookies.  Hubby's favorite.  I also made tacos for dinner.  One of his favorites too.

Homemade shampoo was made, made homemade foaming hand soap, made a breakfast scramble for the next few days, got the kitchen cleaned up, and more dish scrubbies crocheted.  Monday the weather turned cold and windy.  Super windy.

Plans A-F have passed, and we are now onto Plan G.  You know the rain has been bad when the news tells you the best day it is to mow your lawn.   I picked a crock pot dinner yesterday.  Here is why....

We had a non-windy dry day, Hubby had tilled a bit more, and 54 green pepper plants went in the ground.   I planted 3 - 35 foot rows of green beans, 5 squash mounds and filled dirt into two grow bags (13 to go).  I have more plans.  Just depends on weather (and when I can get a load of dirt), but we'll get something I hope this year.

I got out the hand saw and cut down some trees growing near the foundation.  I'm trying to take on Hubby's outdoor work as I can.  He's so darn tired from his full time job right now, that I literally have to remind him what vehicle he has to take.  On days daughter interns, he has to take the truck.  It's too hard for her to park it.

Quit about noon, came in and put one more load of laundry out on the clothesline, showered, ate lunch, made a gallon of homemade iced tea and plopped my bum in my porch rocker with a crochet hook.

Unfortunately, my coop didn't get cleaned due to the focus on planting.  I'm doing it by myself, so choices had to be made.  


  1. You sure do get a lot done in the garden in a day's time . . . when you can get in there. I admire your tenacity concerning the adversity you've had to deal with this year.

    I don't know how one person would manage to put in 54 green pepper plants and 105 ft. of beans in one day! And then accomplish everything else you do. Kudos to you, Super Gardener Lady!

    Also, the 16 ft. of beans (8 of green beans and 8 of yellow wax beans) I grow each year not only give us more than the two of us can eat (frozen for the winter months), but more than I can find people to give the excess away to. What do you do with all those beans??

  2. Mama Pea I freeze the green beans. We got zero in the freezer last year and have zero in there right now. We love to make potatoes, bacon and green beans for a meal when the potatoes are dug up. Yeah, it's been one heck of a year.

  3. My goodness you must be exhausted all that planting and other work, you are to be admired. The weather has not been great here either, it feels like Winter once again. We have the heating on...

  4. mamasmercantile, I am tired, that's for sure.

  5. You amaze me with all that you accomplish! Darn weather anyway - we were a little too dry here but got a little shower yesterday evening. I would like to ask - do you know of any herbal remedies for for leg cramps? I get them in the night; very painful but thank goodness not long lived.

    Keep on keepin on!

  6. Debby, I've always been told that eating bananas helps with those leg cramps. I've not had them, but others that do have told me about this.

  7. Well, that is what they say about bananas. I used to eat a lot of them, my favorite fruit but I have had to cut down due to the carbs. My body seems to process things differently now that I am "a woman of a certain age". I have also tried tonic water, doesn't seem to help. Thanks though.


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