Saturday, June 8, 2019

Sinus Relief ~ Tea and other Tidbits

Despite meds, my sinus pressure has been horrible this time around.  We have too much moisture in the air.  I just got tired of depending on a decongestant pill.  I decided to go back to natural relief, and so glad I did.  Even though the pressure made it so unbearably uncomfortable to function, I ditched the pills and switched it up a bit.

I spent the day doing essential oil steams with oregano oil, and sipped this tea early in the day.

1/2 cup water
1/4 cup fresh organic lemon juice
1/4 cup Braggs Apple Cider Vinegar
1 tsp. freshly grated organic ginger root
1/4 tsp. ground organic turmeric
1/4 tsp. ground organic cayenne pepper
1/4 tsp. ground organic black pepper
1 teabag of throat coat (or Breathe Easy) teabag (organic) with one drop of organic food grade oregano essential oil

Boil all ingredients minus the teabag, add the teabag last, steep, strain and sip.

Notes:  I have always grated my ginger root into my tea infusers (photo above) and never had an issue straining out the tea from the bottom.  However, this recipe did not want to strain.  

I then poured it into a strainer with a coffee filter.  Same thing, but worked slightly better.  It just took much longer.  

Next round, I think I will make a homemade teabag for the spices and it would strain much easier.  

The tea is very spicy, FYI.  It worked great for relief of sinus pressure, along with doing steams too.  You just have to repeat until all symptoms are gone.  

Now Hubby is suffering horribly from sinus issues.  I told him to go to Urgent care after work and he did not.  He won't take the time for a steam nor tea either, so I sure hope he's drinking water at work.

Thursday it was cold, dark, and hazy all day.  No sun whatsoever.   Mr. Coyote made an appearance again, while we were grilling chicken kabobs (which were delicious, I should have taken a photo to share) on the porch.  Unfortunately, no shots fired.  It was heading across the highway (again). 

Friday, it was chilly and very foggy early morning.  It was also misting.  Moist air once again.

Guess what?  I found my lost flash drive.  So happy for that.

I have not found my full container of plastic rhinestones.  So far three kids have answered they don't have it.  

I washed up the ol' foot bath massage and gave it a good sanitizing with tea tree oil.  Then I enjoyed a foot soak of my own.  I sipped hot tea and read through old magazines.  


  1. Sinus pressure is the worst. When it gets to bad I take the Claritan D, 1 usually does the trick. But when your face hurts from that it is awful. I hope the tea worked like a charm for you. Oh....the foot fixer such a wonderful relaxing moment, I should dust ours off. We had that same weather you had, the fog, moisture, storms...yesterday was pretty and today looks wonderful so far, it's breezy and cool.

  2. Faith, yes pressure is the worst. I can't function at all until I get relief. Our weather has been crazy lately.

  3. Our weather is unpredictable at the moment too. How relaxing a footbath and a magazine, sounds good.

  4. mamasmercantile, I left my foot bath out so I could pamper Hubby too.

  5. I'm glad you found relief Kristina. It goes to show that "modern" medicine isn't always best.

  6. Glad that you found something to help with your sinuses. Thanks for the recipe. Living in the south, we have so much pollen. It's especially bad this year. My allergies/sinuses have been going crazy.

  7. Joanne, sometimes I just make ginger/mullein/nettle tea, but this year it's really bad here with allergies.


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