Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Tuesday Tidbits ~ Who knew that cleaning the fridge would lead to fun?

I had all good intentions to give the coop a good cleaning, but realized that physical work such as that could wait until my sinus infection meds (blech) kicked in.  

I fiddled around on the computer early morning.  Paid bills.

Stuck inside, I decided to check on any laundry first (last good dry day before rain comes again).  Second, dishes.  Then I took a look around and decided it was a good day to clean out the fridge.  Like really clean it out.  Everything went out, shelves scrubbed, unidentified objects tossed, etc.

I finished up in the kitchen, unloaded and re-loaded the dishwasher, then decided the rest of the day was rest time.

Looked out the window to see our friend mowing!  Whew!  Some wet parts will have to wait, but Hubby was very happy to have it get done. 

There I was looking down at a huge pile of washed canning lids and rings, and I had just told Hubby I was resting the rest of the day.

Well, you know me.  I dried the lids and thought "I could use them up again for Christmas ornaments."  I went in search of fabric, scissors, paint, glue and couldn't find my plastic jewels.  Darn kids of mine.  I then sent texts out.  One may have them at her apt.  I hope she has them, because I had a lot and the entire container is missing (keep reading about this part).

I then continued with my project as far as I could go for the day, and him-hawed on how to finish them.  

Then...yes, then I went and drafted up a "how-to" on my S.C.R.A.P. blogspot (which has been neglected for a while).  Got photos loaded and such.

Then I was back to staring at my craft supplies and thought, "man that was fun to do nothing but fun stuff for a while."

I then thought, "Hm, maybe the rhinestones are in the closet and just buried in the mess in there?"  Which led me to the start of cleaning the bedroom craft storage/bedroom closet.  Just in case the one daughter didn't have them.  Oh, my Hubby is gonna hate me for a few weeks, but love me after it's done.

Don't worry, I didn't do too much, on account of the fact I was taking a "rest" day.  I just wanted a start, so I would back out later finishing it on rainy days.

I did however, find the exact color of yarn I needed to make a Christmas present for one the girls.  Project list is getting checked off soon.

Our friend was still had been mowing for 6 hours straight, so I walked out with ice water.  It's never taken that long ever.  It's just so tall.


  1. I like these kind of days..what you have planned doesn't pan out, and you do something random and it leads to fun just as you say. Sometimes the best times are ones not planned or scheduled for...just random goodness.

  2. I agree Faith, I got started on projects I didn't think I would, got stuff cleaned and had fun too.

  3. I think it's good to do that once in awhile. Actually I find I get more done that way than if I push myself to do a chore I'm not really into at the time. Good for you! Now, I really do have to go clean my frig! LOL!

  4. Those days are some of the days I do the most. Yesterday, I managed four loads of laundry, all floors mopped and vacuumed, dishes are always washed as soon as we eat, cake made for father in law, errands ran, and some time to read as well as took the pony on a walk.

  5. Sam I Am, it felt great to clean it out, and have fun too.

  6. Carol, the kids slept through the fridge cleaning, and were shocked when they got up. It's always nice to have a tidy and orderly fridge.

  7. Doesn't sound much like a rest day to me, but glad you said you had fun. I did our lawn yesterday that took me about 4 hours I was exhausted when I had finished. The rain keeps it growing...


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