Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Cold Front

Sunday we got on the Harley and headed to meet up with some friends to head to the very last day of Ohio Bike week.  We got as far as the gas station meet up point, and turned around and went home.  First we waited 1 1/2 hours for our friends, and in that time watched the dark skies to the east, and the wind pick up, and that time gave us time to change plans.  

We headed home, waited the weather out, and ended up staying home.  Too many flooded roads in every direction.  On Hubby's only day off, we ended up playing cards on the porch and retiring early. 

Monday morning we woke up to weather in the chilly 40's, but dry.  We had more thunderstorms Sunday night too.  

I decided, after 4 days of sinus pressure to see a doctor.  I tried everything in the book first.  All this moisture is putting havoc on my sinuses despite using a dehumidifier in our bedroom.   I drove home with a diagnosis of an eye infection in one eye and a sinus infection.  Driving was no fun.  I high tailed it back home to apply a warm compress and text Hubby a very short grocery list.  My to-do shopping was halted.  I'll have to get mulch, a load of dirt, and youngest daughter's nail supplies another day.  I wasn't up to it with one eye functioning and the left side of my face feeling like it'd explode.

(had a visitor in the tomato patch)

Today it'll be up in the 70's.  My sweet potatoes that I planted in the garden look better than expected.  I maybe lost one.  The tomatoes look okay and so do the jalapeno plants.  I'm just not going to be planting the green bell peppers very soon.  Radishes have even sprouted.  Praying for enough dry time to till and possibly plant again.  


  1. HI Kristina - sorry you are feeling so crummy, but happy for you that at least some of your garden is going to work for you. I still haven't planted much here. I have a day off today but am making lotion and need to get goat poo samples and take them to the vet for a worm check, so those two things will blow most of the day. Don't we all wish for more time?

    Will get you an email out later today about the soap.

    Take care!

  2. Ouch! Sounds like you have a bad infection. Never any fun to have an injury or infection in the head. I've read it's too close to the nerve centers in the brain and that's why it's always more painful than an ailment elsewhere in the body. (There would probably be those who could argue against that though.) Feel better soon.

  3. Hi Kristina, I hope you feel better soon and have some dry weather. It's pretty cold and soggy here too, kind of depressing this time of year!

  4. So sorry to read you are not well, sending you a hug and know that you are in my prayers. This awful weather you are having is not giving in, surely there has got to be a break soon.


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