Thursday, June 6, 2019

More Rain ~ Tornado

I took advantage of a day with a vehicle and headed to the "big city" to grocery shop and run errands.  Mulch and dirt has to wait.  It rained early morning, but tapered off about 8:30am.  

It sure was nice to put away groceries with a clean fridge.  I got a trip in to the library, gassed up the truck, and other needs.  

I'm so glad I moved a lot of stuff out of my walk-in closet the day before.  Someone was sending me a message that I'd be sitting in it.

Rain was due back again about 3pm, and the forecast was possible severe thunderstorms.  Again.  And we did indeed get them, along with a passing tornado that was heading towards our town. 

(sauce contains wine)

I was literally stirring homemade meat sauce on the stove when I got the warning.  I quickly turned the stove off.  If this sauce is good, I'll share a post about it in the near future.  You bake a double batch, and freeze one.


I got the warning on my cell phone, and as I was running out to shut up the chickens I heard the siren.  Thereafter, I got calls and texts from family warning us we were in it's path.

I was home with our 17 year-old daughter.  We, along with the cat and dog went to my bedroom closet (best place without a basement).  She was very stressed about this tornado.  We kept the radio on and waited it out.  We made it through it safely.  Just lost a limb off one of our trees.

We had more thunderstorms after that, and rain the rest of the night.  Yard is once again flooded.  There's no telling how long it will take to dry out again.


  1. glad you are all ok. We had severe rain and I mean deluge yesterday, several times, and there were some possible tornado possibilitys just to our south in the afternoon. I cannot remember a time when it has rained so much for so many days. Looking forward to your sauce recipe.

  2. So good to hear the tornado didn't hit close to you, but you sure didn't need more rain. If I were you, I'm thinking I would have abandoned all ideas of a garden this year by now. So, so disappointing.

    When we lived in Illinois, we made it through our share of tornado warnings and I got that awful feeling in the pit of my stomach even reading your post this morning. The worst we had was one that took out farm houses, barns, silos, sheds and animals on a swath directly across the gravel road from us. It twisted a school bus bringing kids home like tin foil and tossed it in a field. The bus driver got all the kids off the bus and into a ditch before the tornado hit. The only casualty was a broken arm one boy suffered when he was hit with some debris.

    The closet was a good place for you, your daughter and the animals.

  3. Oh gosh, how scary! I'm glad everyone is safe!!!

  4. Mother Nature really is off on a tear, isn't she! You sure have had way more than your fair share of lousy weather. So very glad you all made it through the storm safely!

  5. Thank you Faith, I'm writing a draft up, so hope to share it soon.

  6. Mama Pea, it gets downright scary when we have to take shelter. Just a barn roof was taken off in a nearby town.

  7. Thank you Vicki, yeah we are sick and tired of the rain, storms and now tornadoes. We are just saturated right now.

  8. I am so glad you all are okay! What a close call! It's always important to know where the safest space in your house is. This has been one of the wettest springs in recent memory - I don't mind the free watering, but the temperatures are all over the place. I hope your ground dries out enough for you to get at least a good part of your garden in this year.

  9. My goodness thankfully you are all safe and no real damage was done to your home.

  10. Glad that you are all safe! I have spent time in a closet when we did not have a basement and we were having some severe weather.


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