Sunday, June 2, 2019

Rum and Coke Popsicles

I had a bottle of rum, leftover from our anniversary party.  This is another recipe to give along, when you gift homemade Kahlua too.  I decided to make some boozy popsicles, which put me in a good mood.  They are nice for hot days after working outside or taking a long motorcycle ride.  A sweet adult treat.  

You will need to open the bottle of Coca-cola and let it go flat overnight to make these.

Here's how to make them:

1/4 cup Captain Morgan Rum
2 cups (flat) Coca-cola (I used real, made with sugar)
1/4 cup Kahlua (for homemade recipe click: HERE)
Popsicle molds

Mix, pour into molds and freeze over night.  You may need to run water over the mold for it to release.  Enjoy!

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