Monday, June 3, 2019

On the Upside of things. . .

We had a very bad night of thunderstorms and hail Saturday night.  The most rain (5 inches) and hail I have ever seen in our area, the rain finally let up on Sunday and as of now, today.  Fields are now lakes, but the rain has stopped.  I will wait a few days to check my smallish garden for damage.

I harvested a bunch of plantain (before the rain) since the yard was so tall.  I dried some, and started an infused oil for salve making.  I found a recipe to make plantain "chips" and may try it this year.  Has anyone eaten plantain and has a good recipe to share?

I started my horse chestnut tincture too.

I baked a peach pie.  Hubby's request, and boy did he deserve it.  

Our mower was finally returned on Saturday about noon.  


  1. pretty pie! sunny here today and cool, hope your rain has ended and you can tend your garden. Have you ever made any tincture from Holy Basil?

  2. Faith, we got too much rain to even think about planting anything else in the garden. I have grow bags now, but we'll see what gets planted into those. I have not made a tincture of Holy Basil.

  3. Oh, halleluiah! You finally got your mower back - what a shame that your generosity was so poorly returned. This has been one heck of a spring for you, Kristina. I am hoping that this is it for the floods, and that you can get into your garden (with your tiller and mower) soon.

  4. Susan, it was so nice to see that mower again, and our grass has already gone to seed. Mowing may happen tomorrow yet.

  5. The peach pie looks great! I love how you decorated the crust!!

  6. At last the mower returned. Hopefully the weather will improve and you will be able to work on your own grass.

  7. Thanks Rain, I have pampered chef's mini cookie cutters, and they come in handy to cut cheese slices and pie crusts too.

  8. Thanks mamasmercantile, I sure hope mowing gets done.


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