Thursday, June 13, 2019

Day Interuppted

Youngest came home from a day of internship at the salon and threw my Wed. plans off the charts.  Sort of.

She got another appt. for a manicure on her non-intern day, and in order to take the appt. creatively involved me.

"Hey Mom...." and so it began.

First, I went out to water my newly planted portions of the garden.  I had to drag my 100 ft of garden hose back up.  I was told the guy was coming to mow some time.  I had to move my ground hog trap too (haven't caught him yet).  More blurps in my day.  Had to drag brush out of the way I forgot I left behind too.

Chicken coop cleaning awaits again.  I was happy to get errands done, but it was a dry morning and afternoon, and I was itching to get work done outside.

We both went to the "Big City" to do my errands and do her appt.  However, she involved me and also gave me a manicure.  The day I was to drop 453# of mulch in the flower beds.  Hm.  I'm sure it won't last long, but thanks for the pampering moment.

My leather purse was dropped off for possible repair.  Finally.  Picked up dirt for the grow pots.  Finally.  Had to wait 15 minutes for someone to load it.  I loaded my mulch the last visit and wasn't about to load it this time.

I still need to find a suitable jewelry repair.   I haven't dropped off the soap saver bags to be sold at a business either (she's out of town currently). Bought a few hoes for some garden helpers this summer too.

Back home again, I reluctantly cut up chicken, bell peppers and pineapple for dinner prep.  I was told to bring home ground beef too.  We were feeding our friend who mows for us.  We fired up the grill for dinner and enjoyed much needed adult beverages.  Oh, we put BBQ sauce on the kabobs.  Yum!

Rain arrived Wed evening.  We may get a dry day Friday, but the forecast is rain for the following 7 days.  Yes, I said 7.  It could change, but....

Oh, and guess who her manicure appt. was for?  One of her sisters.  Sigh.  I guess she needs the hours, and had to do it at the salon vs. home.  


  1. I got my first manicure a couple of weeks ago and I love it. They call it a dip manicure and the polish stays on. It's amazing!! I am in need of having it done again, so I need to go get the spray tan that I won at a local salon so that I can get my nails done again.

    We have had rain most of the week and next week truly doesn't look any better. I am beginning to think I need a boat.

  2. Carol, Ha! I was just thinking if the rain doesn't stop I'll need a boat to get to the barn.


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