Friday, June 14, 2019

Rain just keeps coming . . .

Thursday the rain fell hard again.   Temps were much cooler for June as well - 60's.  

Youngest Daughter had intern day, and her step-sister made an appt. for manicures with a friend, and I believe their daughter's too.

Dirty dishes multiply like rabbits at the homestead, so I figured I'd dirty more on a rainy day.  

I made blueberry buckle.  I wasn't feeling like baking, but I did.  I also cut some garlic scapes, so I whipped up some garlic scape/spinach pesto too.

I'm missing my husband more and more.  It's getting so hard to get through the week anymore.  We've now hired someone to cut down some trees.


  1. It has rained a lot here too and we are to have rain for at least the next 5 days. UGH!! I love blueberries, but no one else here will eat them. I need to visit your house. LOL!

  2. Carol, it's been terrible here with rain. I don't think the farmer will be planting the two fields near us this year, and the other one has winter wheat, so it's already been planted. I love to stock up my blueberries. We use them all year round.

  3. We've had rain but just the right amount although there is some flooding in other parts of Arkansas. This week has been beautiful with temps in the 70's and I mowed yesterday and of course there is more work to do outside. I love the picture of the clouds....too many trees can't see what's coming which is why we have to rely on the forecasts and weather radio.

  4. Sam I Am, the rain has been terrible here. I am honestly considering moving south soon. It's the 3rd year in a row we've struggled to get a garden planted. It's frustrating, and we totally rely on it.

  5. You poor kid. I would do an anti-rain dance in your direction, if I knew the steps. We have had cooler than usual temperatures, but at least our rain has simmered down.

  6. That pesto sounds delicious. I'd be so depressed with so much rain Kristina. I mean, we have lots this "spring" but at least it's trickled in with a few hot sunny days each week now. Still depressing but it's a nice photo of the sky.

  7. Your area, theoretically, should be a good climate in which to grow your family's food. But your last couple of years with the terrible amounts of rainfall have been so hard on you. I know weather goes in cycles and this, too, will pass but it's hard to keep going (or figure out just what to do) until it does.

    Our spring/early summer has remained cooler than we can remember. Some seeds aren't germinating because the soil hasn't warmed up and the garden crops that have sprouted need warmth in which to grow. And it's just not here.

    We have to really be aware of the suffering of the farmers as that will drive food prices even higher than they have been . . . and cause more small farmers to give up. Not a good scenario all around.

  8. Susan, it's so bad here that 90% of farmers haven't planted either.

  9. Rain, I just turn on music and lights and clean until I poop out and then do craft work.

  10. Yeah, Mama Pea, food prices will soar, grain for animal feed and so forth. I wonder if we'll have a whiskey shortage too. Anything made from corn anyway. Soybeans are used a lot in processed food too. I'm trying to stock up when I find organic produce just to be covered for winter.

  11. Weather seems to be the hot topic these says. Never a balance! Sounds like you spent your rainy day productively.

  12. Thanks Leigh, it's been a frustrating weather year for sure.


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