Friday, April 5, 2019

Muck Day ~ Happy Hens

Nothing messes up my morning, like a "driveway creeper" pulling in and parking in the pitch dark of the morning.  Ugh.  Right after I fed Jesse (dog) too.  He needed to go out and I could not until they left - flat tire of all things.    Hubby pulled out to leave for work, checked out the situation, then called me.  It was so dark I could only see car lights and a small light be-bopping around (guy had a headlamp on).   However, this is why I am prepared for uninvited "creepers."  You never know how friendly they are and if they really do have a flat.

It was a beautiful day to be working in the flower beds, but I had another big job.

It's a nasty spring job, but it had to be done.  However, I was bam-booz-eld again. Hubby said he'd help me finish the coop after work.  He did not.  He went to look at another car.  I ended up cleaning the entire coop myself (oh so tired when I was done).

We didn't get a chance to do a real coop cleaning all winter.  Boy was it bad.  I had to take a break after 6 full wheelbarrows of poo and straw was removed.  We had to layer straw most of the winter.

I noticed they broke their heat lamp bulb, which has been off for a long time, but still.  Ugh.  Every year they break it.  I was hoping to use it for the youngin's soon, but I'll need to buy a new bulb.
See that araucana?  She is my last one left and sort of a bossy pants.  Every time I'm in the coop, she is sassing and chasing another hen.  She acts like she's the rooster in the coop, ha ha!

It's getting warmer out, but not warm enough to put the new chicks outside.  I dug out the old dog cage so the rain could wash it off in preparation to give he chicks a day in the sun, and hopefully soon.  They are growing out of their tote they are in.

As for the car Hubby planned on buying?  Well, at the time of paper work, the guy tried to slap on a $300 title service fee.  Hubby stood up, grabbed his check, and said "no thanks,  you are ripping me off" and walked out.  The business where he bought the truck didn't do that, nor where we bought our car, and some smaller privately run places try to slap that extra charge on.  That's okay, it means Hubby will find a better deal somewhere else.


  1. Mucking out the chicken coop . . . never a fun job! But doesn't it feel wonderful to have it done? (When the kinks in one's back go away.) We're almost at the season where the chickens can be out everyday and distribute their manure out and about in the pasture where it will do some good . . . and we don't have to deal with cleaning it out/up!

    Sure does pay to be aware of some of the (illegal?) things different outfits will try to get away with these days. I sometimes wonder if honesty (for a lot of people) is not longer in their makeup. Grrr. :o(

  2. Better to wait for a better deal than be ripped off, sensible hubby. Glad you managed to sort the chickens out. We are in the process of fencing an area off for ours they have started to wander a little too far.

  3. Mama Pea, I was exhausted after I finished, but so glad it's done too.

  4. mamasmercantile, I have to put them in a long run when the garden goes in, but otherwise they stay pretty close to the house when free ranging.

  5. I am not looking forward to my spring coop cleaning, either. I had put a tarp down last fall (my sister's idea) with the idea that it would be easier to drag the mess out. I am not so sure about it - and I think it will be a two-person job. It's just finding that second person - as you know so well! I get furious with people who just can't help being larcenous. Why can't people just deal fairly with each other. Good for your husband!

  6. Hi Kristina wow I didn't realise that their was so much work with chickens,worth it to get fresh farmyard eggs though. What a cheeky car dealer silly man has lost a sale hope you find a new car soon xx

  7. This reminds me of my friend who also has chickens. She gives them all names; do you? lol

    Good think your husband knew that was a bad deal! See, I wouldn't have known that.

  8. Sheryl, when we have a bad winter, it's difficult to get in and clean the coop. Yeah, the guy was trying to cheat us for sure.

  9. Sally, the only one that had a name was the rooster which I lost this year. They all look the same so it's difficult to name them.

  10. Susan, I had to take a pitch fork and loosen the layers and then get it cleaned out. It was so heavy this year. Oye. Yeah, some small car sales places try and do that to you. It's a rip off. We are still looking.

  11. EWWW! not the chicken coop cleaning...the creeper! Enough to give you the willies. Cleaning out the coop, I learn something every day...there IS more work to have delightful yardbirds then feeding and watch them cluck around. Well nothing worthwhile is easy. Maybe one or two someday.


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