Thursday, April 4, 2019


Oh I had plans that went right out the door this week.  I was so excited to have "wheels" of my own to get things done, and had a long list of to-do's in town.  Ha.  Yeah, like that'll happen.  Maybe next week?

Tuesday was another day interrupted.   More like I was bam-booz-eld.  First, the propane was to be delivered.  They have always come first thing in the morning so I skipped my work out.  I do not like to skip my work out.  My work out gives me energy and I feel great all day, not to mention sleep better.

Hours went by and no propane.  I called.  We were on the afternoon route.  Ugh.  So...

I baked.  Banana bread.  Good dose of potassium in this snack.  Not to mention walnuts.

And baked.  Oatmeal-raisin, so we could get more iron in our snack.

And baked.  Pumpkin seeds and almonds for more iron.  Dried fruits add more iron, but not a large amount, so this combination is great for Youngest recovering from her illness.

Tip for the day:

A good cup of nettle tea also helps the body absorb iron better, according to what I've read up on in herbal books.

Meanwhile, I not only get a text, and call, but and email.  My debit card was hacked.   I'm about ready to burn my debit card (then again my credit card was hacked one year by just putting a hotel on hold via a safe booking site). Fraud alert got a hold of me.  I was just heading out the door to the bank and guess who showed up?  The propane guy.   

While that was being filled, Hubby called.  He said "be ready" he was heading home early to go look at a car.  I waited, and waited.  He already looked at it.  He said it was most likely a bad deal. The car was posted on social network with a girls name, and when he got there it was a man, with a car that had MI plates.  He felt it was not a legit sale and left.  He called and said we'd look at another.  I waited another hour.

When he showed up he decided not to go look at the car, but we looked at one not far from home.  

No car yet, but we feel we need to get Youngest her own.  She continues to get run down and sick more often due to her school bus route.  She has to be up at 5am and isn't home until after 4pm, and the bus ride is 35 minutes one way.  With her own car, she can sleep in, get home early and have more rest and more time for homework.

Daughter went to school Wednesday.  She's still sipping medicinal teas, but whatever she had it didn't go away too quickly.

....meanwhile, my door has been looking like an Amazon store.  Hubby is spending money like a drunkin' sailor.  I kid you not - stuff for the Harley and the truck.  He better not spend too much more.  


  1. Ooof, I got frustrated just reading your post. Well, except for all the goodies you got baked . . . I'd love to have those in my freezer! It's maddening when you have to hurry-up and then wait for someone or something. Puts a real crimp in what you want/need to do, doesn't it? :o\

  2. I agree Mama Pea, so frustrating when I had so much to do too.

  3. What a day, I felt tired just reading it. Great bakes, all sound healthy and scrumptious.

  4. How frustrating! I say, the next time tell them all you're busy and keep to your schedule. Your delicious line-up reminded me that I found a bag of frozen bananas in the freezer and that I need to find a GF oatmeal cookie recipe - they are my favorites!

  5. Yes it was frustrating to say the least Susan. Banana oatmeal cookies sound delicious.


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