Saturday, April 6, 2019

Chicks are out and other random bits

The current egg scramble. . .

 . . . feeding my family sweet potatoes, jalapenos, pickled garlic and beet greens for breakfast. 

The chicks are out of the house.  It was high 50's when I introduced them to the outdoors, but heated up to the 60's.  They'll still get a heat lamp for a week or so more, but they are utterly confused, ha ha!  My house will not smell like a chicken coop any longer, whew!

I put them all in together after a visit outside, and there wasn't much activity for the first few minutes.  Shortly after as I watched, a few pecked at the chicks, but nothing bad.  I just hope I didn't end up with 7 roosters.  

I do have a friend who got chicks (pullets) this year too, so if I do, I hope she'll take a few.  I don't want to drive 1 hour to the butcher. Considering my 4 barred rocks hens are 8 years going on 9, I'll be getting pullets next spring.  

It's been so nice to use the clothesline again.  Rain is on the way Sunday again, so it's been busy bee for me.

We have what I call the "big city" both north and south of us.  The one north is undergoing major road construction, not only downtown, but at the highway over pass.  It's a plain mess.  We avoid it at all costs.  With that said, there is only a few places we can take the Harley for a meal out with the kids.    Now they are not only building a round-about at the highway exit (have no idea how that is going to work and why we even needed it), but they are also constructing one at the entrance to Youngest Daughter's career school.  Lovely.  Just lovely.  There is already a round-about just after you enter the school drive.  We are gonna be dizzy going there for events.

We got the Harley out for a ride and met up with one daughter.  Boy it felt great to be out on the bike again.  I'm looking forward to getting my garden beds cleaned up daily, as weather allows, so rides will be happening all summer and fall.

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