Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Day Interrupted ~ Tiger the Tomato Thief

My big "to do" list was interrupted on Monday.  School called.  The nurse.  Sigh.  After an hour round trip ride, I had her home sipping medicinal teas.

I managed to get some dishes washed, only to dirty more.  I am happy to say we are still enjoying sweet potatoes from the garden - sweet potato and beet green frittata.  I got that done too.  Along with some laundry.  I also managed to get the homemade sausage made too.

I am so glad spring is around the corner.  My supply of thyme and sage are running low, and so are the greens in the freezer.

Got the very last bag of frozen, garden snap peas, to make this side dish with organic asparagus from the store.  

Today is another day I have an "interrupted" day.  Hubby announced he ordered propane.  I have to be home for that, and of course no set time.  However, it's another "big ticket" job that will be done and out of the way.

Last night after a short trip to the grocery, I came home to discover the tomato plants and green onions half destroyed.  Tiger had a hay day and ate most of them.  Grrr.  There goes my plants.  Some how he got in there.  I'll try and save the rest, but I am super mad.  He threw it up too, so I'm sure he won't be back. Guess we will buy tomato plants and green onion this spring.  


  1. I didn't know you were making your own sausage. It's on my list too. Beet greens I've never tried but they're supposed to be good and good for you. So sorry about your plants. Mine are up but not very big yet...tomatoes that is. My day was interrupted yesterday too so I did not get off to a roaring start on Monday! LOL! Have a great day today!

  2. Between sick kids and marauding dogs, you continually have some large blips in your road. Sorry to hear about both. Tomato plants and onions can be poisonous to dogs so good thing he regurgitated his plunder. :o(

  3. Mama Pea, it was Tiger the cat who did the damage. Oye.

  4. Ooops, I totally mixed that up. I suppose the greens looked good to Tiger, as cats often go for green sprouted thing. Hope your daughter is feeling better today.

  5. Yeah, Tiger can be a turd. Daughter is home again today. Getting out medicinal teas again.

  6. Hope you daughter is feeling better. Homemade sausage sounds good. Shame about the plants, you may still have time to start them off again from seed. Worth a try anyway.


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