Monday, April 1, 2019

Happy Homemaker Monday

I'm joining Sandra today at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom.

I'm so glad I am taking advantage of every "good weather" day this spring.  I expected snow, and it can all the way into May.  Saturday we had our "Christmas" gathering with my family.  I gifted wild violet jelly and corn relish.  Not sure what'll come up with next holiday.   My oldest brother gifted us more MI salmon - yum!   Sunday Hubby and I went to the range to get some target practice in with friends from his work.  I met a new friend and we'll make plans again.  We had a really good time.

On the breakfast plate . . .

Eggs, toast with plum jam and coffee

The weather outside is . . .
We woke up to this on Sunday.  It's to be a high of 44°F today and up to 58° by Wed.

On the to do list . . .
For the week and in no particular order
-work out
-master bathroom
-bake a frittata with beet greens
-make homemade sausage
-call propane
-dig septic cap
-take stuff to the thrift
-make granola bars
-make a trip to the grocery store
-make a trip to recycling
-weed/clean up flower beds
-take trash out (Oldest daughter filled it to the brim)
-water plants

On the TV. . .
Whatever looks good on Amazon

On the menu . . .
Ham/pea pasta, asparagus
Flounder, mashed potatoes, steamed broccoli
Sweet and Sour chicken, wild rice, corn
Salmon Romanoff, glazed root veggies or pickled beets

What I am creating. . .
Just working on a knitted dishcloth.  Not much time right now for handiwork.

Looking forward to . . .
Two trips to Amish country this month for restocking health store goods, a trip to TN, our party in May, another short trip in May, Bike Week, gardening....getting the bathroom remodel done.

Looking around the house . . .
I see remnants from our oldest daughter.  She came out to go through totes in the garage and left things here and there she didn't want.  Grr.  Hence the trip to the thrift store.  She has more to clean out of the garage, and we are making progress on the clean up, but it's when we have time.

From the camera . . .
Nothing.  Ha.  I've been busy lately.

Praying . . .
No special requests at this time, us, the kids


  1. It took weeks to get the house sorted once the girls had moved out. They left mountains of stuff that took an age to get sorted and rid of. You will miss it all once they have all moved out.

  2. mamasmercantile, they have tons of stuff left here. Ugh.

  3. Still stuff that my son needs to take to his house. Everytime I go I take some :)
    wild violet jelly and corn relish... wow! that sure looks good. I would've loved to have received those and SALMON! Miam.
    Have a great week

  4. boo to the snow!! What fun, a trip to the Amish country! Have a great Monday1

  5. We've had snow in May around here as well, though thankfully, nothing really sticks once the days warm up like they have been. Wild violet jelly and corn relish sound like such great gifts. Hope you have a wonderful week.


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