Sunday, April 28, 2019

Crisis Averted and other Tidbits

Saturday morning I had a plan to harvest as much chickweed as I could, but we had a crisis.  Daughter's prom.  Although she is very capable of doing her own hair and nails, she broke down and sobbed Friday night.  Overwhelmed.

Those are her real nails.

Prom "do"

We spent the day running her around to friends we know at a salon, getting toes, nails and hair done.  That really took up the day until we then had to figure out where to do photos.  Rain was moving in about the time we needed to do photos.  Prom prep went from 9am to after 4pm, then we took photos in a hotel lobby (rain).  Ran home and literally had 30 minutes before heading to the school.  Her Dad walked her in the "march" before prom, and I think it made happy tears for all who were there to watch.  He announced daughter's name being escorted by her "Dad" and it was so sweet to watch. 

We were so tired.  Not to mention broke.  One more year of a prom.  Whew.

Chickweed will have to wait.  I do hope I get some after our snow Sat. night.  Sigh....praying it makes a comeback and I get a lot of it.

I've been after Hubby to dig the septic cap for weeks.  I finally got him to do it, but he only half dug it out, and the shovel is still sitting there.  I'm about to dig it myself.  He needs a tea for motivation around here.  Oh, and try and convince him to put a riser on it so we don't have to dig it. Yeah, that won't happen either.

It's sunny today, but cold.  Woke up to the 40's and it's windy too.  


  1. I remember shopping for those prom dresses . . . and sometimes a battle between mom and daughter as to which dresses were not totally appropriate (or acceptable!) for a high schooler. Never did the manicure/pedicure or professional hair styling though. (Was I lucky?) You should have posted (if she was okay with that) a picture of her and her proud dad. Also picture of Dad doing the septic cap digging. (Tee-hee.)

  2. Prom night. I loved it when my kiddos went to proms. Because they loved to go and it was so much easier socially then in my 60’s prom days. No dares no commitments or broken hearts if you don’t have a date. because these kids went as a group. That was early to mid 90’s.

    Now watching my grand girls I see it seems to be a trend that stuck around.

    From what I could see daughter looks stunning. Glad it was fun for all!

  3. Mama Pea, had to laugh about a photo of him digging the septic. The job remains undone until the rain stops. Sigh.

  4. Thanks Goatldi, some girls went in to groups, as well as guys. She said she had a very good time by herself, and danced with other friends that went.


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