Saturday, April 27, 2019

Random Ramblings

We are still unpacking, a week after our trip, ha ha!  It was our first "vacation" in almost or over 20 years.  I guess I deserve more time to unpack.  The nice part of it, is that what's still in our bags, is clean clothes we packed extra.

We are getting boat loads of rain, so there is no garden work going on, and we are to get rain for about the next 7 days.  It'll take a while for things to dry out.  We are down to the lows in the 30's again.

Jesse, eye balling my carrots.  I made roasted carrots to go with dinner and he had to have a few bites.  Crazy dog!

The other day Youngest Daughter got home from school.  I said I needed to put the hens in from the run.  She said, "I'll do it."  I was totally shocked.  When she didn't come right back in, I wandered out to see if she had trouble.  I heard voices in the barn.  I popped my head in, and she was not only standing inside the coop with the littles, but holding them and talking to them, ha ha!

The spring nettle is up.  I've been consuming much of it.  I do need to freeze some for breakfast meals and for other meals.

Finished this book on the trip to TN.  Sort of got boring 3/4th of the way through.  Donating it to Goodwill.  Ordered a book from the library.

Finished this dishcloth, and started another.  Not much time for "play time" recently.  I think it's time to dive right into the garage and utility room for indoor cleaning.  All depends on the weather and wind.


  1. We have gotten oodles of rain as well. We are predicted to get rain for the next week so things are flooded with no hopes of anything clearing up. Many fields will never be ready for spring planting.
    I love that your daughter was in the barn with the chickens. Kids and farm animals go together!

  2. Carol, we are having flood issues in the area. They even had to close the highway due to flooding, and now country side roads. The field north of us is completely flooded.

  3. So many people are getting too much rain. So frustrating in the spring when you want to get out and get things done! Of course, the weeds are happily popping up and growing like crazy. Got 2/3rds of my raised beds weeded before our "flood" yesterday, but didn't get out there today at all what with the repairs. Too bad, too, 'cause it was a lovely day. Possible snow to come for us tomorrow night into Monday. Ugh.

  4. Mama Pea, we just had snow come through, but more north of us thankfully, but it is cold here now.


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