Monday, April 29, 2019

The frustration is real

Does anyone have a natural ant killer I can use in my herb garden.  I was walking by it and saw a puffed up area in my oregano.  I stepped on it, and poof a bunch of ants came out.  Urgh.  Cornmeal doesn't kill them, and I can't use artificial sweetener nor borax.  I'd contaminate my herbs.  I am however, dumping boiling water on the hill.  I will have to do it a few more times, and if it works, replant some of the oregano.

This my friends, is my rose bed.  Does anyone have a natural homemade weed killer?  I don't care if it kills off the roses either, I want different ones anyway.  It's the most frustrating bed we have, and nothing has worked from weed fabric to 6 inches of mulch on top.  

Well, since I wrote up this draft for the post, I found another way to handle this weed garden from hell - roofing shingles and rocks.  We know someone re-roofing, so we hope to get some of the old singles soon. Until then, guests will just have to enjoy the weed fest going on. 

We are due to have 4 days of rain starting today (again).  Sunday we had planned to piddle around, but guess what?  We took off south to pick up a new radiator for our 19 year-old's car.  While we were there, my step-daughter called.  She gave birth to our 3rd grand child - a boy.  We drove north and made a visit to the hospital.  What a busy weekend.

I don't have clean house slippers to work around the house today.  Sigh.  Thanks to Jesse.  He's been so good off the leash, and in plain day light I just go out with him.  However, he smelled a dead rabbit in the road and went straight for it.  He's back on the leash after I ran through the sopping grass, saturating my slippers and socks.  My slippers are drying after a good washing.  As for that dead rabbit?  Hubby went out and shoveled it off into the field north of us.  We later watched a vulture having it's meal.


  1. Congratulations on the new grandson!! Grandbabies are such fun.

  2. The weeds in your rose bed look suspiciously like the quack grass I fight all the time. If it is, other than digging and pulling it out, you'll have to try smothering/killing it for a long time since the roots can be two feet long under the soil. What a pain!

    When I was weeding my raised beds yesterday, I was unhappy to find the small brown ants having a convention in one corner of a bed. I've never seen them in the soil before. It's usually the bigger black ones. If you find a safe (successful!) way to get rid of them, let me know, please.

  3. Mama Pea, those roots must be very deep. So frustrating. I'll let you know if I find a way to kill the ants in my herb garden.

  4. I know a perfect ant killer (use it myself) - 20% vinegar. As for weeds, nothing eco-friendly works well, in fact :(

  5. I've used vinegar on ants, too, and it seemed to work. It seems that every year, there is a new insect that is over the top in my garden! My sister just cleared an area of weeds using a combination of vinegar, Epsom salt and dish soap. Not sure if that is something that you'd think of as 'safe', but it worked for her.

  6. Thanks Susan, I could use that mix for weeds on the weed bed. Nothing edible in it. Just some roses that didn't do well last year. I'll give it a try after our rain stops and dries up.

  7. Diatomaceous earth seems to work on hard shelled insects. My bag came with an accordion pleated puffer.


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