Sunday, March 3, 2019

Weekend Updates

Friday night we took Youngest to our favorite, locally owned steak house.  Sadly, we will not ever go back.  First our appetizer was served burned (first time to send back food), secondly, when served our steak I noticed the roasted half of garlic not on the plate.  I asked about it, and the waitress said something like "cutting corners." 

I tasted my steak - over cooked and not the same steaks as they previously served us (over the years).  It tasted like liver.  We all didn't like it. The steak is now much thinner than any steak we've eaten there. Oh, and the butter isn't real anymore either.  They used to serve it topped with herbed garlic butter - real butter.   I noticed the "butter" not even melting on my steak.  I did not eat much of it, and we all decided to spread the word of mouth about it, and not return.  Sort of sad too, as this place is biker friendly with biker parking.  I told Hubby my kitchen is my favorite restaurant and when organic steaks go on sale, I'll be fetching up a supply to grill here this summer.  And making my whiskey butter to go on top.

Saturday, Hubby joined a nephew to cut wood.  They had a dead tree that went down on a property that our nephew knew.  They hauled the splitter there to share the wood, as our nephew just moved into his new house and has 2 fireplaces.  

Following that, I reluctantly joined a birthday party.  I was in no mood to entertain for some reason.  Either way we went, taking a tray of fruit, as I did not want to cook anything either.  We were both tired. The weather was cold and I just wanted to snuggle up inside and take a day off.  Hubby was feeling the same way.

First thing Saturday morning, Hubby asked "did you check on your chicks?"  Ha ha!  The concerned person he is....of course I did.  They are so darn cute. Sleeping on top of each other.

What's on the breakfast plate Sunday morning?  Sausage gravy, biscuits, fried potatoes and scrambled eggs.  Snow is due to return today.  


  1. i love biscuits and sausage gravy but not for breakfast, lunch on a busy gardening day it really keeps me going.

  2. Those homemade biscuits look amazing! I can't imagine making biscuits that size. Can I visit for breakfast please?

  3. Really sad to eat out and have that experience! Love you new header!!! Chicks are so much fun, but lots of work. I got some last year, don't need new ones. Just waiting for the spring!

  4. How disappointing to go to a restaurant and be served sub standard food. Breakfast sounds good, there is no place like home for good food.

  5. Yes Nancy, they are. I haven't gotten new chicks for a long time.

  6. You are right about that mamasmercantile. Home is where it's the best food.

  7. I am enjoying your me some bisquits. I am bisquit challenged, mine turn out more like hockey pucks. I have mastered the bread/yeast, and have improved on my pie crusts. Any tips for the bisquit mastering. I tried self rising flour and that helped some, but I like them layers upon layers..Following you now,enjoying those baby chicks.

  8. Faith, I hand cut cold butter into the flour mixture, and then add milk. I do not over roll them, so the layers stay in there when they bake.

  9. I'll try that, and let you next time thank you


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