Saturday, March 2, 2019

Homesteading Reality ~ Spring Chicks

I have lost 4 chickens so far this year.  First the Auracana who broke her leg, then Sparta (rooster), then about two weeks later I lost 2 barred rocks for no reason other than natural causes (old age?).  I starting looking up the dates to see how old they were, getting worried I'd lose more.  My heart was breaking of course, but it's part of homesteading.

Apparently I bought them back on 3-3-2011 , and in today's world a chicken's life expectancy is about 8-10 years (not like 20 in the old days).  They are 8 years old.  By the way that yellow chick turned out to be a white rooster, and he didn't live very long.  The barred rocks lived the longest of any breed we've had.  They are the best producer for us as well.

I brought home 7 barred rock chicks(thanks to a ride from a daughter), and that's her ESA dog Mia checking them out.
By the way, I was complimented on how I raise my layers.  I mentioned the fact my barred rocks were 8 years old and still had some to the store employee.  She responded, "wow, you must baby them."  Meaning most don't live that long and she was pretty surprised to hear that mine are still alive (some of them).

This however, puts a damper on my need to raise meat birds.  I just don't have the space to raise the layers and meat birds inside.  Next spring it'll happen.  Unless....I am unlucky enough to get 7 roosters out of this straight run purchase.  Then I'll have 6 meat birds in the freezer.   I was too late to order pullets, so say a prayer I get some hens.  

They only had cornish rocks anyway.  I want white rocks.  Next year....

The contract was voted no at Hubby's work.  This means they will continue to negotiate until they have an agreement that is actually fair.  It'll be a long spring for us.  This company is brutal.


  1. A joy to see the chicks. Disappointing news on hubby's contract, you are in my prayers that a better deal can be negotiated.

  2. Thanks mamasmercantile, we are praying the employees get a fair contract to pass.

  3. I've had really good luck with barred rocks too. With a much smaller flock I get mixed chicks to ID purposes. Mine have all been pretty docile and good layers.

  4. Thanks Nancy, we really like the barred rocks too.


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