Monday, March 4, 2019

Monday Madness

Question:  are flat top stove ranges suitable for canning?  I'm searching for a double oven, and the only ones made with electric range have flat tops.  I may have to install natural gas and go with a gas range.  It's on the wish list, but it'll be a while to purchase.  Would love to hear your experiences with a flat electric range.

Something I over bought this winter - sugar.  That's okay, I'll be ready for canning.

Something I under bought this winter - bird seed.  The birds are stealing the barn cat food, ha ha!  Tiger is over joyed with his Kitty TV for entertainment.  He is often sitting by the door watching and intrigued.

Sunday we were pretty much doing nothing, after unloading a truck of wood, and feeding the boys (nephews and one of their sons) who came out early to help.  We fed them good and retreated to finishing the series "When Calls the Heart."

I also finished a few crochet projects - photos coming soon.

The bitter cold is returning.  I have no plans to can jelly yet today.  I have a mound of dirty dishes we all decided to let go until today (oh sure, leave them to me, sigh).  I will be attempting to hook up a cheap TV antenna today too.  I just want one channel so I can watch the early (very early) morning news as I walk on my treadmill.

I have a mound of laundry to do also, and this snow isn't helping me.  I haven't put my laundry out as often as I typically do in winter and it's driving me nuts.

What's for breakfast?  Eggs and toast.  I have a busy day ahead, so it's a quick fix.


  1. I have a flat top glass stove and since we live in a pastoring, am not able to change it. So, I purchased a counter top electric-cast iron hot plate for my canning. It works wonderfully. I am a litter afraid to use the glass top after a friend had her canner fall through it. The canner shattered the glass top.

  2. Check with the manufacturer as some are not recommended to do canning on.

  3. We had snow here in Appalachia last night, at least up on the mountain top where I live. High today is supposed to be 34. I thought spring was coming but I guess not.

    We have a gas range that was installed in the house when the building was constructed in 1986. Our hot water heater and our home heating is propane as well. At least it all works when the power goes out, which is fairly often.

  4. Thanks Shawneen and Catina. I had a feeling I'd be looking at a gas top range if I replace my stove with a double oven.

  5. Good to know Harry. We heat our water with propane too, but we have a well. If power goes out, the well won't run - no water at all.


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