Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Tuesday Tidbits ~ Finished Handiwork

When it snows....all he wants to do is eat it, and he forgets why he's out there.  Sigh.  He leaves his personal tracks in the now - paw prints with a tongue mark in between them.

I finished the baby blanket.

I also finished a pair of baby booties.

We are preparing for a spring vendor/craft show this month.

Family funny - Hubby caught me sweet talking to the chicks and heard me call them all "ladies."  He busted out laughing.  Oh boy, this will be interesting.

I haven't heard from the kids lately.  One needs help replacing rotors on a car, one daughter's car is still out here and broke down, and don't get me started on the truck.  It now has a fluid leak.  We really need a time period to get repairs done and get ahead of all this.  Hubby told me to order what I need on "Amazon."  I told him the groceries I need are on on "Amazon."  Sigh.  I know he's busy and that it was too cold Sunday, but something has got to give.  I'm going bonko.

I finally installed a cheap TV antenna.  Now I can watch the news and work out on the treadmill (which is rather boring so I'm super happy).  Down the road we will upgrade to a more expensive one.  We have "big ticket" projects coming up, so those went to the top of the "get it done" list.

Woke up to a chilly -7°F.  


  1. Antenna's down here are really expensive because of the mountains/hills they have to be really high plus there are few stations.
    It was 15 here this morning and 13 yesterday....but amazingly the hyacinths and daffodils are still blooming...either that or they are frozen in place! LOL!
    Cheer up...Spring is right around the corner!

  2. Thanks Sam I Am, but now we'll need to hire a plumber. I am so sick of this cold weather and trying to keep the pipes flowing. ugh.

  3. Hope the weather improves for you soon. The blanket and booties are stunning, a beautiful make.

  4. Minus seven wow How do you deal with it? We are finally getting into the 50s and I am so glad. Take care and wear extra.


  5. Wow!!! That blanket is GORGEOUS!!!
    The dog is hilarious, but then so are most animals when they come upon something unexpected.
    Been trying to rest up. Got scheduled for 3 days this week instead of the normal 1 or 2. I'm 71+ years old, and just can't work a heavy schedule anymore, but I'll see what next week's schedule looks like before saying anything.
    Plus, sometimes that extra work is God sending it to you, maybe because it'll be needed for a vehicle repair or medical appointment. You never know.
    Anyway, prayers everyone has a great week, and a safe one too.
    God bless.

  6. RB, thanks. I hope to sell that blanket at the soon to be craft show. Yeah, that dog is a head shaker. I laugh and often roll my eyes at him.

  7. Catsngrams, we just layer up and get indoor work done. Sigh....it's getting old this year for sure.


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