Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Peach Chicken ~ Warming Up with Soup ~ Another Finish

During the polar vortex I collected many new recipes to try.  I made Peach Chicken (Ellie Krieger's recipe online), adapted with organic ingredients and my own homemade croutons.

I ground up the croutons in place of making fresh bread crumbs.  The only fail?  I should have sliced my chicken breasts thinner.  They required much longer to cook, but very good.  So, if you freeze your own peaches, this is a winner dinner.

Not the best photo, but I dug out one of the few bags of snap peas I froze from the garden and made sauteed asparagus and snap peas.  An old time favorite when asparagus and peas are in season.  I toss in some red pepper flakes.

Speaking of pulling items out of the freezer, it was a cold day, so I pulled out a turkey carcass, frozen carrots, the last bag of green beans, dehydrated mushrooms, celery cubes, other veggies, and some frozen rolls. Barley-Turkey broth soup was perfect for a cold evening.

I also pulled zucchini for a breakfast frittata, and split the collard greens for the frittata and soup.

Pumpkin hummus was made for snacking.  Daughter loves to pack this in her school lunch.  I love the fact it only takes 2 Tbsp. of tahini to make it too.  Delicious and nutritious - using pumpkin puree from the garden.

I finished another pair of baby booties.  Although it looks pink, they are a darker peach color

Hubby picked up my replaced Tupperware.  I already love this lady.  I'm considering of hosting a party in the future with her just because she put a special gift in the bag for me. I can always gift the kids whatever I earn free too.

The special gift?  It's a keychain.  I collect keychains and do not have this one.  Bless her heart.  It just made my day.

As for the rest of the day yesterday?  Well, I had to shut off the water about noon.  I pay attention to sounds, and noticed our water pump running non-stop.  After checking faucets and toilets....I shut it off and messaged Hubby.  I told him I heard water in the wall.  He thought I was crazy.

God motivated us to start a few new projects.  I'll be back in a few days as we get them in progress.  


  1. Sounds as though this polar vortex has really had you cooking like crazy. My daughter has moved back home although she is not technically living with us as she has a camper here, but she has been doing part of the cooking and what a help it has been. I love her talent in the kitchen!!!

  2. Carol, that's great you have help in the kitchen. My problem is without water the dirty dishes are piling up. Sigh....

  3. First of all, yesterday I totally zoned out and forgot to comment on your beautiful baby blanket! It's gorgeous and the baby booties are so precious.
    Love all your dinners and 'eats'. I love Ellie Krieger and I have some frozen peaches too! I have yet to make a frittata but that will be added to the menu. I am always searching for breakfast recipes. Hummus is not my favorite. I've tried many but for some reason I don't care for it. I even made my own tahini one time but it's just not for me.
    I hope the water isn't a problem for you. Do you start your own seeds? Do you have your garden planned? Stay warm!

  4. Sam I Am, I am starting seeds this weekend. And thank you on the blanket and booties. I don't have my layout for the garden ready just yet, but I have time for that.

  5. You hearing "water in the wall" is NOT a comforting sentence! How did that all turn out?

  6. Hope all is well with the water, what a nightmare. Tasty looking meals, a great use of peaches with the chicken. The bootees are so cute. Looking forward to seeing what projects you are working on.

  7. Mama Pea, still working on it. Yeah, there are some concerning words being said in the utility room right now. Oh boy....

  8. Thanks mamasmercantile, we are still working on the water leak.

  9. So much yumminess, and the baby booties are super cute! Hoping the water leak is not super horrible and that it is an easy one to fix.

  10. Bits of Stitching, it wasn't easy to fix, but fixed now. Other than one more part needed.

  11. The recipe sounds interesting. Wonder was it sweet or spicy.
    I also wonder if the little keychain opens, and is a little pillbox. That would be cool too.
    Making too many typos I have to correct, so going to lay down for a bit and see if I can catch up on some much needed sleep. Been working a lot and have a lot on my mind, and not sleeping well at all. :(
    God bless.


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