Thursday, March 7, 2019

Chicks in my Living Room and the Saga

Hubby immediately went to work, skipping dinner the day I had to shut off the entire water supply.  Most of the bathroom ended up in the kitchen, and some of the utility room ended up in the hallway.  It was squeeze and step over stuff for a few days.

Not to mention, dirty dished and laundry piled up.

Chicks were moved to the living room, to make room to start moving the washer and dryer, but that didn't happen.

The bathroom floor (kitchen bathroom) was ripped up, boards removed to be able to see where the leak was.   Found it.  The toilet was removed, the boards cut to access under the house (we do not have a crawl space).  The wall to the right in that picture is connected to my utility room.

However, the first cut of drywall in the utility room wasn't quite spot on.  Second cut?  Spot on. 

Four trips to the hardware store .... off and on verbal extremities coming from the utility room, there seem to be problems to deal with as he worked.  Meanwhile, I watched some tutorials for my own projects, made phone calls for one big ticket job, and other stuff.

We also did some pricing on new flooring for the bathroom, and heat tape while we had pipes exposed (by the way it wan't a water leak from the pipes cracking due to cold, it was a connection that had split apart in the wall (oh yeah for that).

Sitting down after the water was back on.....

Me:  "Well I shouldn't have kept saying I needed to get that utility room cleaned."

God listened.  God motivated.  Not good, and not all bad either.  For the first time, I stayed calm in this "storm."  Knowing that my "MacGyver" husband and I would team up and fix it.  Or should I say fix "things."  Many things.

I'm trying to get things back to normal.  The utility room cleaning will soon be underway.  Thanks to this situation.  I am purging, and thankfully a few kids in apartments are taking some items.

I'm thankful we had homemade "lysol" wipes on hand to keep our hands clean and sanitized.

I'm thankful the leak was in an area we could get to.

I'm thankful I keep flush water on hand year round.

What concerns us, is why after all these years, the pipe split apart.  Bad work?  Poor quality of water lines? Hm.  

Oh, we found a second leak in the same area.  Apparently we are not done.


  1. That is curious about the pipe, but at least you found it! Leaks are horrible emergencies. Hopefully the other one will be easy to resolve. Sounds like the good cleaning you're giving the room will be the icing on the cake. (Why do rooms like that get neglected so much!?)

  2. Leigh, I'm just glad (even though we had to cut through a wall) that we could access it. I guess it's the motivation I needed to clean the utility room too.

  3. Ugh, home repairs! As Leigh said, water leaks are just plain bad. This one sounds like it was a real challenge and affected not just the tearing apart of one area. But how fortunate your hubby is capable of handling it. So much better than having to call in a plumber!

  4. We went through this in our kitchen a last year, underneath the fake wood laminate flooring which eventually buckled and ruined, despite all our work with fans, towels and much mopping to save it. Thought it was the dishwasher. Nope. Then the sink. Nope. Finally found the faucet the ice maker was connected to was leaking. Ditched the ice maker for ice trays and capped that off. Leak stopped. But it took many days of detective work and just plain grunt work to get it all straightened out. We still need to replace the flooring. Going for sheet vinyl after this. Doesn't buckle and ruin with water leaks. JMO
    Prayers for better days ahead.
    God bless.

  5. I dread when things like that happen, and we all go through it, Well most of us anyway. Reminds me of the time a hot water pipe burst under the house and we didn't know about until two huge electric bills came in the mail, two months worth! We were wondering why the paneling in the bedroom and in the hall had begun to bow out and come apart at the seams. Moisture! Hope everything is fixed for you now and that second leak isn't much. If it ain't one thing it's another!

  6. Mama Pea, I asked him if he wanted to call a plumber and he just laughed at me, lol! I think we'll put a door over the openings in the wall, should we need to access them again.

  7. RB, we are changing the flooring too. Not sure to what just yet. Gotta make some calls.

  8. Henny Penny, I was thankful to notice that the water pump never shut off after about 15 minutes. I am not on the job of cleaning the utility room, which badly needs it.

  9. What a job! So glad you two could do it yourself - saves on both time and money. Good idea, putting a door access to the pipes. You can never be too careful!

  10. Hopefully now that you have discovered and indeed repaired the leaks, all now will be well.

  11. Susan, yeah we just thought it would be good since it was already open, to make a removable cover.

  12. mamasmercantile, so far so good. Just have to build a cover for the open areas and remodel the bathroom now.


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