Thursday, March 28, 2019

Good Weather Day!

My husband found the truck he wanted.  It was 3 hours away from home.

Luckily, my step-daughter drove him there for me.  Youngest was home sick.  She had donated blood at school and came home very tired and feeling sickly.  I knew she wasn't going to school when she got up and asked for "tea" yesterday morning.  

First tea I made was a ginger/thyme tea.  Her throat hurt, she had a nasty cough now and then, and she was dealing with fatigue from giving blood.  Second, I made a nettle tea infusion, cooled it and gave it to her over ice (good for blood circulation and fatigue).  As the day went on though, she lost her voice a bit, so it was some sage tincture followed by more medicinal teas.  Poor thing.

Meanwhile, while he went to check out the truck, the weather was good enough to work outside.  I spent 2 hours on another flower bed - only 7 more to go.  The garlic bed has to wait.  Some are not up enough to fix what the wind damage did to my plastic.  We are to get loads of rain for the next 3 days here.  I got myself a good dose of vitamin D and boy it felt great.

I also made the call to check on that propane.  More money to spend, but decision is needed.  We'll now decide what we'll do.   We are told that if you have a buried tank, they have to now do a soil test that costs $250.00.  Not sure if that is per year, but they already started doing it for some, so it would be best to have it dug up and removed.  Updates on that later.

I embroidered a kitchen hand towel for us.  I've been so busy crafting for others lately, it was nice to take time for myself.  We need new towels in the kitchen, so I'll be making more.


  1. I like your towel, free hand? I've never been able to do this, the thread looks all tangled and what not. All thumbs. But I enjoy looking at the beauty you can do with thread and needle, a different kind then I use, but just as lovely and intricate. Hope your young one feels better. My son had a cough that just went on and on this winter. Enjoy your day out in the garden.

  2. Hope your daughter feels better soon, so generous of her to give blood. Glad you managed to locate a truck. Always nice to have a crafting project on the go that is for yourself.

  3. Do you only have wood heat? Love the hand work on your towel. Yes, I got out the other day and that sun felt good! Today is so dark's supposed to rain but I see nothing on the radar. Have a good one!

  4. Sam I Am, no, we have electric heat but it's expensive.


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